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SONG: Dandelions by Ruth.B

It was 00:39. It was raining outside and dark. Sometimes Evelyn would go on a midnight walk but tonight she wasn't feeling it. She was still thinking if Shiloh told Eli about how she has a crush on him. Evelyn got her phone and texted Elijah.

Evelyn: You awake?

Elijah: 👍👍👍

Evelyn: Ok good because I can't sleep.

Elijah: I can't sleep too. My siblings are all asleep and everyone else I know is probably asleep, except you of course. 😔

Evelyn: I usually go on a midnight walk if I can't sleep but I'm not bothered to do it since my headphones broke.

Elijah: Will you go on the midnight walk if you have someone to talk to?

Evelyn: I guess?

Elijah: Ok, meet me outside.

"Woah hang on there I'm still in my pajamas!" Evelyn thought.

She quickly got out of bed and put something simple. A blue white top, black leggings and a blue tracksuit jacket. She went outside but Elijah wasn't there.

"He probably has to try and sneak out. Lol"

It wasn't long until Elijah came out of the house. He was out of breath and she giggled.

"That must have been hard."

"Yeah, it was."

"Come on let's go!"

Evelyn skipped and Elijah followed. She started to walk when Elijah caught up to her.

"Soo, what do your siblings think of me? Not in a weird way."

"Oh yeah they really enjoy you being around. Josiah is always asking how you are. I even think he has a crush on you." Elijah continued to say nice things that his siblings thought of her. She found it nice that she had close people to talk too.

"That's nice. It's great that they enjoy me being around."

Elijah nodded. After a couple seconds of silence Evelyn stopped.

"Tig!" She shouted. Elijah laughed before he started to cause after her. Luckily he got her back and she chased him. It was such a fun moment especially how it was just them too. After awhile Evelyn stopped to chat her breath, Elijah done the same.

"That was so funny. Especially how you almost fell over." She said while laughing.

Eli and Ev held hands while walking in the rain. It wasn't really weird since they've done it before. Butterflies went up her stomach while walking. Suddenly it started to rain. None of them had brought coats.

"It's raining!" Evelyn said before running of.

"How do you still have energy?" Elijah followed. They danced in the rain and even made their own handshake. He turned her around and it was so amazing. The two walked back home since it was getting late.

"That was so fun." Evelyn was out of breath.

"We should do that again some time." Elijah hugged Evelyn and she hugged him back. They were definitely bonding but she wasn't sure if Elijah thought her as just a friend.

Evelyn went back inside her house. She was smiling and blushing a bit. She hoped that Elijah didn't see her blushing.

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