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Thank you so much for reading this book! I will definitely continue to update it!

"I'm the imposter." William sighed before Britney laughed making everyone else do as well.



Micah said his line really quickly before everyone laughed.

"Ok again. 3...2-"

Shiloh slammed her hands on the table while covering her facing and bursting out laughing.

"I was ready!" Eli and Evelyn said together.


"Hehe." Micah laughed before everyone laughed with him.

"When are we gonna get this done!?" Evelyn said while wiping the teas of laughter on her face.

"Hey Evelyn. Come with me to the living room." Daniel said as he approached her.

"Oh ok." She said before standing up.

"Wait, I know a short cut." Daniel opened the vent. When he got inside Elijah and Evelyn had a shocked expression on their faces. "Oh right...I'm the imposter."


They jumped before asking the usual question "Where?"

"Somebody ate Judah's candy!"

Everyone laughed once again.

"Elijah!!!" Shiloh shouted.


"Ready Eli?" Micah asked.

"Yep." He said before Evelyn laughed.
"I got this baby." He said before everyone laughed with Evelyn.

"One." Micah laughed.

"Oh my gosh." Evelyn walked away.

"One. Somebody ate Judah's candy!"

They waited a few seconds before Elijah said his line.

"See anyone?"

"Why are you looking past my head?" Micah asked before everyone laughed.

"Lyn's making random faces!" Eli said while laughing.

"Recording." Elijah shouted.

Everyone jumped out one by one in slow motion. It was Evelyn's favourite part of the video even though she's only been thrown out twice. Judah wore a funny costume while getting thrown out and their dog Evie got thrown out as well. At the end someone thrown a fake dummy of Elijah.

"Ooo! Oh!!" Eli, Judah and Ev said.

"Yeah he is not gonna be in park 3." Evelyn says.

"No." They replied.

Daniel and Micah looked around the table at each other while moving side to side.

"Where are my- my hat!" Micah's hat fell off before Daniel and people behind the camera laughed.

Again they tried. Daniel and Micah looked at each other intensely.

"Where are all my teammates!"

When Micah pressed the button it started singing a song. Judah and Evelyn had recorded themselves singing "Chicken Wing." In the car. Judah and Evelyn passed Micah and Daniel while dancing.

"Ev!" Micah shouted before everyone started laughing. "Oh my goodness."

Judah and Ev stood their dancing while Elijah had his hand on his face.

"He's not responding! Help!" Elijah was holding a dummy while panicing.

"No! Wake up!" Judah came over. "Wake up!" Judah shouted. "You have to make it!"

Elijah gave the dummy CPR

"I love you! I love you!" He shouted.

"Don't go towards the light!" Judah shouted before he started crying and Elijah joined in.

Shiloh and Ev stopped next to the table watching what was going on.

"You wish Elijah would say that to you." Shiloh whispered to her

"Shut up."

Everyone was looking at Eli with an annoyed face.

"Sorry..your faces, I can't." Everyone stopped before letting out their laughter "Especially yours Ev. I'm sorry." He changed his face back to normal before looking at Ev. Everyone laughed out loud again.


"Somebody ate Judah's candy in the living room!"

Everyone laughed again.

"I didn't do anything!"

"No it's Evelyn!" Mary says while laughing.

"What that's just my normal face!"

"Somebody ate Judah's candy in the living room!"

"Did you see anyone?"

"No no no! I just walked in-there was no one there."

Everyone laughed again.

"Lyn! You keep making faces and mocking ws Micah says." Elijah looked at her.

"I'm sorry! It's just really funny!"

"I was doing good that one!"

"Two one."

"Somebody ate Judah's candy in the living room. Stop!" Micah pointed at Evelyn.

"I'm trying, I'm trying ok!"

"Ok that checks out. Let's skip."

"Skip." Everyone said.

"Finally!" Evelyn said after a couple seconds of silence. Micah flipped the table and Elijah gave Ev a high five.

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