Chapter 12

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~Chapter 12~

In the Autobot base. Ratchet was checking on Rykerdraft's well being as to what she had just experienced during her vision. After her quick check up, he told her that she was ok. She nodded and walked back toward her corner in her Predacon form.

As she was making her way over. She happened to look over to the entrance of the base and saw Ultra Magnus looking outside. Rykerdraft sighed as she knew she was kind of distancing herself from Ultra Magnus for the way he has treated her but she knew that if the only for him to respect her if for her to respect him so she made her way over just as Optimus was as well.

"Ultra Magus." The commander turned toward his leader but also saw Rykerdraft standing beside the Autobot leader.

"Something has been troubling you." Ultra Magnus looked down in slight defeat.

"I fear that my command style may be having a negative effect on unit morale." Optimus then put a hand on his shoulder.

"Your service is most welcome, old friend. But this is not the elite guard." The commander looked down at the floor then slightly looked up at the Predacon.

"Things have changed since the war for Cybertron." Rykerdraft took a step forward.

"We must adapt to those changes Ultra Magnus. Nothing will stay the same. I'm still learning to the change of the world ever since I reawakened from my sleep. It has been hard, but I know there are Cybertronians around me that I can trust." She looked at Optimus who also looked at her with a small smile. He then looked over at the team.

"The members of team Prime are not cogs in a machine. They have grown into something greater than an army. They have become-" He was cut off by an alarm. Ratchet looked over at the three.

"Optimus, my scanners have picked up exposed Energon." Optimus looked down.

"With our reserves at a critical low, we cannot afford not to investigate."

The Autobots, including Rykerdraft in her Bi-Pedal mode walked through their ground bridge and saw the vehicon troops pushing out Energon.

"Decepticons! Step away from the Energon and surrender!" The vehicon troops began firing at the Autobots. The wreckers, including Rykerdraft, jumped down from the cliff they were on and took down the vehicon's. Since there were no high ranking Decepticon's around, Rykerdraft transformed into her Predacon form and took down a few vehicon's at once.

The warriors: Arcee, and Smokescreen, and the scout: Bumblebee all came from the other side and began firing on the vehicon's too, destroying the rest of them. Rykerdraft had one vehicon in her paw. She lowered her jaws down, grabbed ahold of it and pulled it apart.

Wheeljack walked over to her and patted her neck.

"Now that's wrecker style." Rykerdraft chuckled as she dropped the half Decepticon from her mouth.

Everyone walked up to the Energon and looked at it. Rykerdraft could sense that something was wrong. She looked toward the cave. Still in her Predacon mode she began making her way in the cave, without the Autobots even knowing (I don't know how, I'm the just the one writing it. LOL).

As she was making her way through the large cave, she could smell something weird. She noticed that there were two different directions to do in the large cave. She went down the cave that the weird smell was coming from. As she made her way down, what she saw, shocked her beyond belief. Test tubes. Every single one holding a Predacon.

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