Son of Stark Pt. 13

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Michelle couldn't complain. Her life was pretty great. She had found the two best friends she could ask for, and one of them had even become her boyfriend. She had graduated with honors from Midtown High and was studying at one of the most prestigious universities in the country. She was in the third year of her four-year degree and was excelling at school, like she always had.

But when Peter Anthony Stark, the newly-appointed boss and CEO of a company worth billions, got down on his knee in front of her and revealed a sparkling silver ring with a diamond that she knew had to be very real and very expensive, a million nervous thoughts rushed through her mind.

Marrying Peter would mean always being in the public eye. Anywhere she went, someone would recognize her as the spouse of the newest 'Mr. Stark.' She would be expected to attend classy events and would need to deflect prying questions of the paparazzi. It would be different than anything Michelle had experienced before. What if she messed it up? What if she stumbled in the pricey heels and tripped over the hem of the designer dress she would likely be wearing at one of these events and made a huge scene? What if the paparazzi backed her into a corner and pressured her to the point where she couldn't take it anymore and let something slip - perhaps spoiling the carefully planned launch of some new aspect of the Stark Industries company?

Becoming 'Mrs. Stark' would also mean being 'Mrs. Spider-Man,' which would now also be publicly recognized. There would always be the risk of a possible threat, and she would be in constant fear for Peter's safety (though that particular detail was something she already dealt with). Would she be able to handle that pressure? That paranoia? How could she possibly know for sure?

But then Michelle really thought about what it would mean to marry Peter. Her best friend would become her life partner. They would spend nearly every day together, and at the end of the night lay comfortably in each other's arms as they drifted to sleep.

They would go to these classy events together, they would fend off the paparazzi together, in every challenge they would face it together. Having someone you trust wholeheartedly, who can stand by your side through thick and thin, is not something to be rejected lightly.

The upside of him being 'Mr. Stark' was the peace of mind Michelle would have knowing that she would always be well provided for. 

The upside of being 'Mrs. Spider-Man' was that she could count on always having someone capable of protecting and helping her whenever she may need it.

The upside of it all was that it would be her and Peter, forever and always.

Michelle zoned back in to the present moment just as Peter looked up at her with his big brown eyes sparkling and asked, "Michelle Jones, would you do me the honor of being my wife?"

And as Michelle gazed down at him, she knew with absolute certainty that her answer was, "Yes."

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