Family Cruise

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"Ah!" Tony yelped as his feet lost control on the icy ground.

"Are you okay, Tony?" Happy asked as he helped him up.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Thanks, Happy," Tony reassured, brushing snow off his jacket. He looked around, surveying the snow covered city. "I'm tired of this snow," Tony muttered as he stepped into the building. "It's time we had a vacation!"


Five days later, people watched in awe as a group of heroes boarded the cruise ship. They crowded into one of the elevators and headed down to the level where their rooms were located. Being extra as usual, Tony had booked several large (for a cruise ship) rooms, nearly all of which had two full sized beds and a fair amount of floor space.

One room had a single queen bed, which Tony had originally planned for himself and Pepper, but he gave it to Natasha last minute because (not being a dad) he decided to have Peter stay with him and Pepper. "Because he is still a kid and I don't want his aunt mad at me because he got into trouble with any of you," was the reason he gave.

Steve and Bucky shared a room, and Sam and Clint were given the final room. The rest of the people Tony invited had either opted out or been unavailable.

After stashing their belongings in the rooms, the group eagerly made their way to the buffet, where they stacked their plates high with food.

"Finally! I was starving," Sam exclaimed as he sat down with Natasha, Steve, and Pepper. "It didn't help that this guy stole all the snacks I packed for the jet ride," he added as he jutted his thumb out toward Bucky, who had just pulled up a chair next to Steve.

"It's not my fault you left them where I could easily smuggle them out," Bucky replied. He stuck out his tongue at Sam.

"Check out this epic sandwich I made!" Clint announced, also sitting down. He placed a very tall sandwich on the table. With a grin he added, "Who wants to see if I can fit it all in my mouth?"

"I bet he can," Bucky said, placing a ten on the table.

"I bet he can't," Sam countered, also putting down ten.

*Audience, place your bets in the comments here* --->

"Boys," Natasha muttered, rolling her eyes as she took a bite of her salad.

Clint began his attempt to shove the sandwich in his mouth just as Tony walked up to the table with Peter. "You three better not get us kicked off this ship with your immature antics."

Steve said, "I sure hope not. This vacation was needed. Thanks for the invitation, Tony."

"It's a shame more people couldn't make it," Natasha remarked. "This would be a well-deserved vacation for everyone."

Tony shrugged. "Yeah, too bad. Guess we'll just have to enjoy it extra hard for those missing out."

"So, what's the plan after-" Pepper began.

"Nooooooooooooooooo!" someone wailed.

Everyone looked to the end of the table, where Clint was setting down a half-eaten sandwich while Bucky pouted in his seat. They watched Sam swipe the twenty bucks from the table and chide, "Ha! I knew it! Thanks for the extra cash, Buck."

*Lucky guessers, claim your winnings* --->

"Could you boys please settle down, quit making a scene, and let us enjoy our meal?" Natasha demanded. Her glare was replaced with a polite smile as she turned back to Pepper. "Sorry, what were you saying?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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