Weekend with the Starks

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"Have fun, Peter. I larb you!" Aunt May waved one more time as the taxi pulled away from the curb.

"Larb you, too!" Peter called out, waving back. He jumped slightly as a hand rested on his shoulder. Peter looked up, relaxing as he remembered Tony was standing next to him.

"Come on, Kid. Let's get you settled in." Tony pushed open the swinging glass door and stepped inside.

Peter adjusted his backpack, took a deep breath, and followed. He walked close behind Tony, glancing around uncomfortably as he felt the eyes of everyone in the lobby on the two of them. It was a strange sight to see - Tony Stark walking through the lobby of his building being trailed by an anxious teen carrying a large backpack.

Peter was staying at the tower for the weekend because his aunt was going on a short business trip. Peter was very excited, but at the same time very nervous, because this would be his first time staying more than a few hours at Tony's. Of course, Peter was excited to spend more time with his d̶a̶d̶ mentor, and he thought Pepper was very nice, but he was also worried he would screw something up and then die of embarrassment.

Peter was pulled from his train of thought by the ding of the elevator doors and a gentle nudge from Tony. They shuffled in before the doors closed, and the transportation began moving upward with a subtle jolt.

When they stepped out onto the penthouse floor, Tony led the way to a corridor Peter had never been in before. Though, to be honest, most of the penthouse was unfamiliar to him. He had stopped by with Tony before, sure, but it was usually just to grab keys or something before they went somewhere. Usually when Peter was at the Stark Industries building, they spent most of their time in Tony's private lab there.

Tony stopped abruptly in front of a door and, as he turned the knob, allowing the door to swing inward, said, "Here's the room you'll be staying in."

Peter walked through the doorway and stared in awe at the room before him. "I get to stay here?" he exclaimed as he darted around the room, which had a queen size bed, nicely sized desk, connected bathroom, and a large window covering the majority of one wall. "Are you sure?" Peter asked as he turned to face Tony. "This is an amazing room, but I'd be fine occupying any..."

"Kid, relax. I have plenty of guest rooms, so why not give you a nice one?"

"Wow! Thanks a bunch, Mr. Stark," Peter exclaimed. He nearly hugged Tony, but quickly stopped before he made the situation awkward.

The gesture seemed to have gone undetected by Tony. "Pepper was planning on ordering some pizzas for dinner tonight. Sound good?"

"Sounds great!"


"So, Kid, anything particular you want to do this weekend?" Tony asked between bites of pizza.

"Oh, no, Mr. Stark. I'm just happy to be here," Peter assured him.

"Well, shoot, Pete. We gotta do something while you're over."

"There's that Nerf battle place a few blocks down," Pepper suggested. "Seems like a good place for you superhero boys to use up your energy."

Tony's eyes lit up. "Great idea, Pep! We'll spend some time in the lab in the morning, have fun battling it out in the afternoon, and then we can get dinner."

"That really isn't necessary!" Peter interjected. "We don't have to go anywhere. I'm fine just hanging out here. You don't need to feel any obligation to-"

"Too bad, Kid. I just decided that's what we're doing tomorrow. It's all settled."


Peter could hardly believe it when he found himself walking into the Nerf battle establishment with the Tony and Virginia Stark.

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