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Inspired by Natasha_Romanoff177 's one-shot, because I found out about this video from her book.

Peter Parker

So... yeah. I decided to make this video to go along with the big announcement... I am Spider-Man!

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@spideyfan008 Nice video... But this is a joke right?

@Peter Parker @spideyfan008 What? No! This isn't a joke

@spideyfan008 @Peter Parker You really expect me to believe some kid is the real Spider-Man?!

@Peter Parker @spideyfan008 I am not a kid! I just turned 18!

@NedLego That's right! My best friend is Spider-Man!

@FlashdaBest Wow, Puny Parker! Making your best friend go along with your lies... Tsk Tsk Tsk

@NedLego @FlashdaBest He isn't lying!

@FlashdaBest @NedLego sssuuuuuuuuurrrrrreeeee

@Spideyisamazing Cool video! Spider-Man is the best!

@TheOnlyMJ Nice song, Loser.

@Peter Parker @TheOnlyMJ Thanks MJ.

@SpideyLoversUnite04 Are you serious?! It seems hard to believe... but if you are serious... this is crazy!

@Spider-ManFan33 Sure... And I'm Captain America. -_-

@TallyHo lol funny prank. Cool song tho

@ILuvAnimals If you are really Spider-man than show some proof!

@IronManFan Yeah, right. *eye roll* Cool video editing.

@ILoveSpider-Man Don't play with my feelings like this! If this is a prank I don't find it funny. Give us proof!

@Spider-Boi23 Awesome vid! Love the lyrics XD

@OfficialTonyStark Nice video, Kid. Glad I'm in it.

@PeterParker @OfficialTonyStark Thank you, Mr. Stark!

@Spooder-Man44 @PeterParker Maybe he is telling the truth... \_(o_o)_/

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