Chapter 1

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I found out that I was, my whole time at Hogwarts, in the very same year as those adorable WEASLEY TWINS. And what's more, I was in the same house! Some may think the Weasleys as cheap idiotic blood-traitors (at least that's what most of the Ravenclaws and all the Slytherins used to think), but actually, they were very nice. I found out about this just a few days ago while looking at some yearbook photos. I now live right next to George Weasley...the poor boy. Lost his brother in Harry Potter's last year at Hogwarts. It was terrible. I think he likes me...I know I feel that way about him. I visit him often now, and we've become best of friends. Although he likes Angelina Johnson, as he's told me before...And I can't quite help but think that liking him is wrong. But I can't help who I like! It's just nature. He's hugged me, and I've pecked him on the cheeks before without him feeling strange or my blushing. He's offered me a job at Weasly's Wizard Wheezes before, and I told him that I would think about it. I still am. I've decided to take the offer, but I'm thinking of when I should tell him. Here he comes now.

"GEORGE!" I yell, desperate to get his attention. He looks back and I see his face light up, which makes me realise he looked quite upset. 

"CINDY!" he replies, now running towards me. I feel like seeing him is the most wonderful thing ever. 

"George," I gasp, now out of breath, "I've been thinking about the job offer, and I think yes! But I don't need much money, Just 2 galleons on the hour should do."

"Brilliant," he says, "bloody brilliant Cindy! This is amazing! Just think, I'll be working with my best friend ever! But I can't just give you 2 galleons. You won't be able to survive! How about you get half the shares of each sale? That ought-"

"No George,"  I'm one of those people who just won't take money from friends, "I think that's much more than fair. It's far too much, and what would I do with all that money? You know how I can't take money like that!"

"I know what you could do with all that money," he's now grinning from ear to ear, "you could fix up that terrible porch of yours, renovate your basement, get new windows and furniture, also, buy yourself a Firebolt 5000!"

He was right. My porch was falling apart, my basement smelled terrible and the paint was chipping off, my windows had cracks in them and were terribly filthy, if someone tried to sit on my couch, they would fall in any second, and as for my broom, I've had a Cleansweep since I was in my second year of Hogwarts! I just hated it when he was right.

"Fine," I say, "but not half, one third will work for me."

"Let's go inside and discuss matter," he gestures to his beautiful house.

As I follow him inside, I realise I left the door to my house open. Doesn't matter, really, considering the fact I have no valuables or much food, and the place is already trashed...EXCEPT for the gifts George has been giving me for the past few years. 

"Hang on, George," I give a swift flick of my wand, and hear all the doors close and windows shut, and I follow him into the house, wondering what next...

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