Chapter 14

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St. Mungo's is a very large place, easy to get lost in. But George and I have been in here on countless occasions that we consider ourselves pros at getting around. We walk into my parents' ward to see a young couple ready to leave, packed clothes and all. 

"I told you she would come," a Young, energetic voice says.

"I know, you've told me about a billion times," another one says, and a Young, brown haired man turns around to look at me, "Cindy! George! We knew you wouldn't forget! How are you two?!"

"Fine dad," I say, picking up his luggage. It's not as heavy as I thought it would've been, but I don't say anything.

"Oh, no need to do that!" he tells me, "Wingardium LeviosaI!"

"Ha ha, thanks dad!" I say, giving him a hug.

"Cindy," George says, "how's about I walk with your dad? You go with mum."

"Yes, sir," I say, saluting him, and walk over to mum and hug her tightly.

"You look beautiful you know," she tells me, "and you've grown up in the past few years. Who knew four years could change a girl so much! How have you been? Tell me again how you got engaged!"

"Well," I begin as we walk through the corridors, "It all started four years ago, the night you got hit by that potion and was sent to the hospital. George was by my side every night, comforting me. We became best friends. He visited me every night after his work, and on weekends he would take me to Muggle places, like amusement parks and malls and such. I always thought he fancied Angelina. But turns out, he fancied me! I couldn't believe it! Anyways, he always was by my side, even though he and Angelina were going out. I don't think he ever saw her! So, this was how it was until a few nights before last Saturday. I decided to accept the job offer he was giving me at his work, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. He offered me half the money from each sale, of course, I refused, but he kept on insisting, so I took it. THEN he took me to a room in his house called The Room"-mum sniggers-"and we kind of...snogged...and he proposed to me. He said Cindy, this room, I've been saving it for the girl of my dreams. I swore that this is the room I would propose to her in. So...Cindy...will you marry me? and I accepted! That's how we got engaged!"

"Oh Cindy," tears begin flowing down her cheeks, "this is wonderful! You'll have children, settle down, have the most wonderful life imaginable! And I heard he changed the name of his store to Weasleytescue's Wizard Wheezes! Is it true?"

"Yes mum," I reply, "it is. I work there full time with him. And his brother Ronald. They had quite a fit last night...not nice. They aren't on talking terms anymore. They'll get over it. Ron's wife, Hermione, is quite wonderful, though! We plan on meeting up soon. But after this weekend, I'm not sure what'll happen when Ron needs to show up for work."

After a few moments of thought and silence, my mum replies.

"Siblings, old and young, can't always get along," she starts, "I  mean, look at me and my sister! She was so much older than me-ten years-and we usually got along. Except for when we woke up at the same time and both needed the washroom. Ha ha, those were good times! But remember, just because they argue now, doesn't mean they will forever. Just try to go along with it."

"Thanks," I reply, "a lot. It's just that...I don't know why... but I feel as though it's my fault that they're fighting. It's like, I started the whole thing, and I won't feel right until I end it..."

"Oh, no worries there," she says, "It''s nowhere near your fault that brothers fight. It's just...fate. Don't worry, just live your life to it's fullest, and everything will be alright!"

"That's what you always say," I state, "but I love it anyway. George?!"

George turns around and stops talking to my father. They both smirk at me before George replies.

"Yes sweetheart?" 

"What's going on with you...?" I ask him, "Never mind. You think we could stop for some fish and chips before dropping my parents off to yours?"

"Sure!" he answers, "I'm getting a bit hungry anyways. What you say sir?"

"Sure," my dad says, "and..your parents?"

"Remember," I tell him, "last week. We told you that you would be living with the Weasleys at the Burrow."

"Ah yes," my mum adds in, "They seem awfully nice. It's the WEASLEYS, remember? Arthur and Molly Weasley came in to visit us on Thursday?"

"They did?" I blurt out.

"Oh yes," says dad, "I remember now! Those bright haired fellows! Quite a nice couple. It'll be wonderful, living with them!"

"Alright then!" George exclaims, "First stop: Hogsmeade!"

"Hogsmeade?" mum asks, "Why there?"

"You want some fish and chips, don't you? And maybe some Butterbeer?"

"Sounds wonderful!" mum and dad say together. I grab George's arm and mum dad's arm. We actually strut out of St. Mungo's, laughing immensely. As people wizards and witches stare, we keep strutting until we reach George's van. 

"Everyone," George looks at my parents, "put one hand on the side of the car, and disapparate to Hogsmeade, alright?"

"Yup," and in an instant, we're gone and reappear in a snowy village, with stores everywhere.

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