Chapter 3

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"Welcome to The Room," his voice echoes through the dark room. I can't tell where it ends or starts, I just know I'm at the door. 

"Hem-hem," I hear a squeaky  voice coming from our feet, and look down. Something with green glowing eyes and strange elfish ears looks up at me. It's none other than Glover, the second of house elves here.

"Ah yes," George says professionally, "be sure that we are not bothered Glover. Cindy and I have some-er-business to discuss. Please let the others know. Thank you very much. And help yourselves to some dinner! Go on, you've all earned it!"

What business? I think to myself, Unless he means...No...He must be out of his mind. Does this mean-

"Thank you, Master Weasley!" Glover scurries off downstairs, jumping with happiness.

"Now, young mistress," he literally sweeps me off my feet to, what seems to be, a bench of rose petals

"Yes," I reply, grinning in the darkness, "what business is there to discuss?" 

"I think I should buy you some new clothes," he says, "you're getting awfully tall, and those clothes have holes in them! Tomorrow, I'll take you to a nice little shop in Diagon Alley. How does that sound?"

"Perfect," I say, feeling a warmth come over me. The side-effects of butterbeer, I suppose...I hear George mutter something and a candle comes on in the distance. I gasp at the sight. It's so beautiful, I would camp here rather than an actual forest! A maze of questions are running in each direction of my head.

"How-what-how?!" I ask him, confused of which question to ask first. He simply smiles, and puts an arm around me. He stares out the window, I'm sure if he's breathing or not. I cautiously put my head on his chest, smiling. It's lovely here. I don't want to leave, ever, but I know I'll have to. What IS he staring at?!

"George, I want to ask you someth-"

"Sh," he said, putting a finger over my lips. He stared into my eyes for a few moments, and then returned his gaze to the window. After a few moments of staring into, what looks like, nothingness, he looks at me. He doesn't say a word, just...stares. I open my mouth to speak, but he simply shushes me. 

"You are the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me, Cindy," he whispers, tears running down his cheeks, "don't ever leave me."

"I promise, I won't," I reply, my heart touched, "I-I've always loved you, George. And I always will, even after death."

He wipes a tear off my cheek, and I do the same to him. His cheeks are so soft, and flawless. HE's flawless. I've known him for a exactly 8 years, 5 months, 22 days and 6 hours. I've loved him for so long, and there is NO ONE on earth I can love more. George shifts a bit, then gets down on one knee. 

"Cindy, this room," he begins to explain, "I've been saving it for the girl of my dreams. I swore that this is the room I would propose to her in. So...Cindy...will you marry me?"

"G-George!" I gasp, "this-it's-this is a very large decision! I-I thought you fancied Angelina Johnson! Oh George, of course! Of course I'll marry you!!!"

"Wonderful!" his smile is just so beautiful, "I shall arrange everything! Cindy, this is amazing! We'll need to change the shop's name of course, and I'll invite the whole family! And your family! This is going to be just wonderful! But the shop will need to be closed for a week or so! Oh Cindy! Brilliant, just brilliant! This is better than Ginny making the Holyhead Har-"

"George," I chuckle, "Calm down! Yes, this is very exciting! You lost me at the shop's name! We'll need a lot of planning. Do you think Ron could help us?"

"Of course, he'll help!" George says, "This is so exciting! Cindy, I absolutely ADORE you!"

 "I adore you too," I reply, "but it's awfully late. I think I ought to go to bed. Goodnight!"

"You can sleep here tonight! We'll move your things tomorrow! Might as well get used to sharing a bed." 

Is he really this excited? I can tell this is going to be a very nice life! But...sleeping with him tonight? I'm not even in my pajamas! I guess he's right...I'll have to sooner or later. But what if I snore? How embarassing!

 "All right..." I begin, "but I've got no pajamas!"

"Not to worry, my dear," George gives a flick of his wand, and the next thing I know, I'm in a brand new pair of jammies. 

"Come on," he gestures outside the door, "it's bedtime."

George Weasley's What Happened Next? [ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE]Where stories live. Discover now