Chapter 4

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Once we got into bed, I fell asleep almost instantly. The bed, as I understand, was pure plastic, filled with air! It was an astonishing sight. After sending the house elves to bed (they each had their own room!), George came andd settled down into bed. He kissed me, said goodnight, and fell asleep faster than one could say wand

We awoke the next morning to find that the house elves had prepared breakfast for us. 

"Good morning master," says Venue.

" 'morning Venue!" George says.

"Wonderful morning it is, master," says Glover, smiling very brightly.

"Yes, it is, Glover!" George replies.

"Would Master like some more bacon?" asks his youngest house elf, Aylem. 

"Yes, if you don't mind Aylem," George watches the young elf pour strips of bacon onto his plate.

"Master, may Venue ask him a question?" asks Venue.

"Of course," George replies, "go ahead, Venue!"

"Why," Venue begins, "is Miss Fortescue here? Not that Venue doesn't enjoy her company. Venue is just curious."

George smiles at me before answering, "Miss Fortescue is my new fiance! We shall be getting married [hopefully] in six months' time. You may call her Cindy, or Mistress, whichever you prefer."

"I gave them the choice of calling me George or Master, but they went with Master," George whispers into my ear. I giggle a bit, then look at each house elf appreciatively. They all nod before running off. Except for Glover.

"Mistress," I realize Glover is talking to me, "would you like some more bacon? Or toast? We can fix you up some cereal, too!"

"No thank you," I reply, "This meal is quite delicious! Thank you, and bid the other two my thanks, will you?"

"Of course," Glover bows, "And would you like anything Master?"

"No thank you!" George answers, "We must be off, I'm afraid! Thank you though."

"Of course," Glover bows once more before scurrying off to find the others.

"Now, Mistress Fortescue," George turns around to me, "we should be off. Can't keep Ron waiting."

"I'll have to change first..." I say. George gets up and pulls my off my chair. He leads me upstairs to the washroom. 

"I bought this for you last night," he shows me the most lovely top and pair of jeans ever. And of course, an apron bearing the words Weasleytescue's Wizard Wheezes

"George," I tell him, "this is lovely! And the name! You've already changed it?!  I love it! Absolutely love it! What about Ronald's?"

"I think it's been changed," he says thoughtfully, "now hurry up, and we'll take my car."

I go into the washroom to find a new bra and some underwear there too. It's strange knowing that my fiance (I love calling him that) knows what's underneath my shirt... Ah well, he went through all this trouble, might as well. After I change and step out of the washroom, I find myself face to face with George. 

"I'm so sorry!" I apologize, "I didn't mean to bump into you!"

"I did," George grins so widely that I'm sure his mouth is going to fall off, "Now shall we?"

He holds out one arm, and I grab it. We bid farewell to the lovely house elves, and race into the back yard. We get into his most astounding bright orange Ford Escape, although this one had an 'Invisibility Booster' button. We take off, but he didn't hit the button right away. As we entered London, he hit his fist against the 'Invisibility Booster', but I didn't see a difference! That is until I looked at the side mirror, and saw nothing but the sky! We landed in an alley, turned off the invisibility and drove out. Most people were staring, though I think that was because of how bright his car is.

"How're we going to get through the passage way with such a large car?!" I ask.

"We won't" George says, keeping his eyes on the road, "We park at the Berkeley, and got from there! Don't worry, there are wizards in there that I know quite well, so they won't mind!"

I love how he knows what I want to know. We part in the back, and get out and walk down to our entry:  The Leaky Cauldron! I loved going through there to get to the shops as a child! I love it even more now that George and I are going in as a couple!

" 'morning Everyone!" George says as we step in.

"And who have we here, young Mr. Weasley?" asks Tom, owner of the Leaky Cauldron.

"Allow me to introduce," he takes a big breath in, "my new fiance Cindy Fortescue!"

Almost instantly, a series of 'oohs', 'aahs', 'You're very lucky!' and 'Congratulations!' are flying in each direction. George and I make our way through with 'Thanks' and 'Yes, I am!' almost twice per second! We finally reach the entrance to Diagon Alley. 

"Would you like to do the honors?" George gestures to the large brick wall.

"I'm afraid I've forgotten how to do the honors!" I responded a bit timidly.

"I see..." George hits a pattern I recognize and we enter the loudest place on earth; Diagon Alley.

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