Chapter 20

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By morning, I had forgotten everything that happened the night before. But George, of course, went and reminded me of it.

"Cindy," he whispered in my ear, "Wake up Cindy! Don't you remember last night? Hermione and her kids? We should wake them so that they can leave before Ron awakes."

"You go..." I say, half listening, "I'll just-yaawwnn-stay here, catch up on some sl-"

"Get up, or I'll...I'll make you eat a Puking Pastille!" he tells me.

I, being much more better at comebacks, simply say: "Good, I won't have to get out of bed then."

Without a warning, I'm lifted out of my blanket by my ankle, and instantly know what spell had been said-or should I say, thought? Levicorpus.

At that moment, George is lifted by him ankle, and I drop back onto my bed.

"GET ME DOWN!" he bellows, scared and excited at once.

"Fine," and he falls slowly, and lands on his stomach. I want to say I'm sorry, but he's already hugging me.

"Now that we're both out of bed," he says, "What say you we go down to awake the other Weasleys?"

"I saw we do," I reply as I walk groggily over to the washroom. I hear George walk quietly downstairs, the floorboards creaking. I get out a few minutes later, and apparate to the livingroom, startling George so badly that he falls over on the sofa.

"Hush now, Georgie," I joke, and he gets up again, grinning. He quietly shakes Rose, and she stirs a bit.  walk over to Hermione.

"Wake up, Hermione!" I whisper-yell, and she wakes up instantly. 

"Wussgoinon?!" she asks shocked, and I pat her back.

"Nothing, we just thought you'd like to return home before Ron wakes up so that he doesn't get worried," I assure her. 

"Oh...yes...are Rose and Hu-"

"Yes, they are," George interrupts, "At least Rose is. I'd no idea what a heavy sleeper he was! Hugo!!!"

"WHAT?!" Hugo yells.

"OI! Get up and get dressed! You've got to go home!" George yells back, a bit irritated. 

"Fine," Hugo gets up, and walks over to his mum, "Are we going home now?"

"Yes," she says, "Meet me outside in the front in five minutes, and we can Disapparate from there. Did you catch that Rose?"

"Yes mummy," she replies, pulling on her shoes, "I'm hungry."

"Be right back," George disapparates and comes back three seconds later with a granola bar in one hand, and an apple in the other. He hands the apple to Rose, and throws the granola bar at Hugo, who catches it instantly.

"Thanks," mutters Hugo under his breath.

"No problem," he says, overhearing, and looks at Rose, "Your mum's said five minutes, it's been four. I think you should go out. That goes for you too, Hugo."

"Bye, Uncle George, bye Auntie Cindy!" Rose says as she skips through the hallway and outside, and Hugo follows.

"I don't think he likes me..." my voice trails off, and I on the verge of tears. Running upstairs quickly to hide them from George, I hear him yell after me.

George Weasley's What Happened Next? [ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang