Chapter 21

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"CINDY! CINDY! ACCIO CINDY FORTESCUE!" I hear George's voice from downstairs. He shouldn't bother looking for me. I'm not coming out, and he can't make me. I'm in the washroom, currently washing my face...or drowing myself. Either works. BANG BANG BANG!

"Cindy, I know you're in there," George's voice comes, "Come out, please. He's stubborn, just like his dad, so don't take it in a bad way. Rose likes you, doesn't she? And so does Hermione. Hugo was just used to being spoiled by Angelina, that's all! His parents are glad I got rid of her, and I'm sure very happy to have you! Please, come out!"

"I'm not coming out!" I say in between sobs. I know I'm acting stupid, but so what? I have every right. I knew somewhere in my head that this was a mistake. We should've just stayed friends. Maybe it's not too late? I get up slowly, and walk over to the sink. Ice cold water starts flowing from the faucet, and I start splashing it all over my face. It feels very nice. After wiping my face, I go outside to find George sitting on the floor against the wall, face buried in his hands.

"George," I whisper, not being able to believe what I'm doing, "Get up. I need to tell you something."

Slowly, he gets up, looking straight into my eyes. I honestly can't believe the grief in his eyes. I'm starting to think that this is a mistake. Maybe...we'll see.

"Please don't tell me you're going to leave me," he whispers, fear in his voice. It's almost as though he read my mind. I can't do this. I'll never be able to live it down!

"I'm staying with you, don't worry." I whisper, resting my head on his shoulder. He pulls me into a bear hug, and we stand there for who knows how long. 

"Mhm," comes a squeaky voice. It's Glover.

"Hey Glover," George says, "Need anything?"

"Um, no, master," she quivers, "I was wondering if you needed anything? As well as for the Mistress."

"We're alright, Glover. Thanks for asking, though!" replies George.

"Yes, master." and with that, she walks away. 

"Let's go somewhere for dinner tonight," George turns to me, "It'll be nice to get out for a bit."

"We went out yesterday! And the day before that! And the day before that day!" I joke.

"So what?" he shrugs, getting up and dusting his pants. George then sticks a hand out to me, helping me get up. A few birds are tweeting outside, and I must admit it's quite nice for an outdoor supper.

"Fine," I reply, and we both grab some sandwiches and such, and leave for what might be the best supper ever.

George Weasley's What Happened Next? [ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE]Where stories live. Discover now