Chapter 12

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"OH MY GOSH!" I scream and hug George. The present was beautiful! He had gotten me a Firebolt 6000! 

"HOW DID YOU GET THIS?!" I ask him, still screaming.

"I'll tell you if you stop screaming," he chuckles, "I got it from Owls and Broomsticks, a place in New Hampshire."

"When did you go there?!" I ask him excitedly.

"Two nights ago, you were asleep," he explains, a large smile smack dab on his face.

"I love you even more than thought possible now!" I say, hugging him again. 

"Do I get to snog with you now?" he asks me. I slap him lightly on his knee before replying, "We'll see," with a smirk.

"Fine," he tells me, "Butterbeer anyone?"

I say no because I think we've had too much. I know I have. I must've gained three pound at the very least in the past three nights. 

"Huuuh," he says, "fine. What do YOU want to do?"

"Erm," I think for a moment before going on, "lets, uh, go for a visit to Hogwarts! Tomorrow, but for tonight, snog some, and sleep some. Sounds good? You'll get your snogging done!"

"Alright!" he says, "Sounds like a plan!"

Whoever said when you start snogging, it needs to be romantic was really wrong! Why not just go in for the kill (lips in this case)? Our whole night was made up of snogging and bad jokes (on my part, George was hilarious). At around two in the morning, we decided it was time to sleep. 

"George," I pulled away, "I think it's late. We should go to bed. I'm not used to having  so much fu-uuhhn! I'm getting a bit restless. Alright?"

"Yes," he agrees, "I think soooo-ohhhh too. Good night sweetheart."

"Goodnight," I reply, and fall asleep almost instantly.

When we wake up the next morning (on time, of course), we go down only to find that Aylem and Glover had decided to let Venue sleep in for a while for he wasn't feeling well.

"What's wrong with her?" George asks.

"Glover and Aylem think that Venue has gotten a cold," says Glover.

"Yes, yes," Aylem adds in, "She was out last night looking for you, and came in sneezing! Quite terrible really, but she will be alright."

"This is all my fault!" I say in exhaust, "I should've never sno-"

"Shh," George whispers, "it's not your fault! It's mine. I shouldn't have been so dramatic!"

"Nonsense," I whisper back, "it's both our faults, alright?"

"Fine," he says.

"Here," he snaps his fingers and a bottle that reads 'Cold-Away-Elf Edition', give this to Venue every hour, and take turns! She'll be fine after 8 spoons! Alright, thanks! Now Cindy, we must be off. It's Saturday, the store is closed, and we are to go shopping some more! Dragon skin, I think? We're a couple, we should look like one!"

"How's about," I begin to suggest, "I get a shirt that says 'I'm with stupid' with an arrow pointing to my right, and you stand on my right all day long when I wear that?"

"Perfect!" is his reply, "and maybe we start planning the wedding?"

"Of course!" I say so loudly I startle the elves, "Oh, sorry!"

"Do not worry," Glover replies, "go and have a nice time. Venue will be taken care of very well!"

"Oh George," I say, remembering something, "We're going for a visit to Hogwarts, remember? My cousin Neville is a professor there, you know!"

"REALLY?!" he gets up and grabs a hoodie to put over his W.W.W. tee shirt. Today, instead of fancy dragon skin, George is wearing a pair of ripped jeans (like me) and, as I said before, a W.W.W. tee shirt, high tops sneaker, and a cap under his hood. He looks quite handsome, with his hair spiked. He pulls me out of my chair and we bid farewell to the house elves. After, we take our car to London downtown, go to the train station, find the Hogswarts train tracks, and make our way to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft And Wizardry.

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