Chapter 15

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After we stopped by The Three Broomsticks, we headed to the Burrow, where we were greeted with warmth, welcome, and lots of hugs.

"Welcome to the Burrow!" Molly and Arthur say together, smiling brightly. Couldn't actually believe their faces. Never in my life had I seen someone so happy! Molly and Arthur hug George and I, then my parents.

"Thank you so much!" I say, "This is immensely kind of you; letting my parents stay here with you. I promise that as soon as we can, we'll move them to a house!"

"Oh," Molly stopped smiling, "we were hoping to keep them here until the very end! We've even arranged rooms for them, and they'll be able to decorate it however they want, whenever they want!"

My mum and dad beamed at me, giving me there Please-please-please-can-we-stay-?! looks. I nod at them and they begin shuffling in, awing at the amazement of the houses size. Noticing them, Arthur told them, "You're amazed by this? MUGGLE homes are better! Besides, this is so small!"

"This is the most amazing thing I ever did see! Who knew a wizard home could be so warm and loving?" my mum replies, still gazing around.

"Come dear," Molly grabs her shoulder, "I'll show you to your room. Charlie's visiting for a bit, so if you see him, don't worry. Quite a handsome, he is."

"What about me?" George asks.

"You're handsome to me. In fact, the most handsome man in my life!" I tell him reassuringly. My dad looks at me and I say right away, "My dad and you are tied George! Simply can't choose!"

"That works for me," George laughs, "CHARLIE! CHARLIE! GET DOWN HERE! I WANT YOU TO MEET SOMEONE!"


"IT'S NOT THAT!" George yells again, "I WANT YOU TO MEET MY FIANCE!"

Steps come quickly down the stairs, and a ginger man, probably in his mid-thirties, appears. 

"Georgie-weorgie managed to get a wee girlfriend?" he taunts, and George blushes. The man, whom I suppose is Charlie, turns to me, "And you are?"

"Cindy Fortescue!" I tell him, hugging George, "And you must Charlie Weasley! I hear you're quite interested in dragons. Which've you managed to date?"

Now it's Charlie's turn to blush, before he says, "Fine. Touché, Fortescue. I have just one question: Is you great-great-great grandmother Florean Fortescue?"

"I wish!" I tell him, "Though I do get discounts for having the same last name!"

Charlie stares in awe, and George sticks his tongue out at him. 

"Think you can get me some discounts?" Charlie asks me. Intead of me replying, George does it for me.

"No. She's only going to get me and our children discounts!" he says.

"Thinking of children already?" Charlie says annoyingly. I find it quite adorable that George is already thinking of having children, so I step in.

"Yes, WE are," I reply, "Maybe a hundered children? Or should we stick to five George?"

"I think one hundred will do!" George says, his voice full of pride. A few seconds later, George and I laugh hard, and Charlie merely scowls, and runs upstairs, to his room I suppose.

"NICE MEETING YOU TOO!" I yell up, and there's no reply.

"Probably has no comebacks for that," George tells me as we walk into the Burrow's garden, "He never was good at insults. Bill was terrible at it. Once, when we were going into our fifth year, we stayed at the Leaky Cauldron. One night, we put beetles in his soup, and a Sneakoscope went off, but of course he didn't believe it. Bill always thought they were pieces of junk sold for Wizard tourists. Guess he was wrong! Anyways...this is where Bill, Percy, Ron and Ginny have gotten married. I guess we're next. Mum always finds a way to come up with a new decoration that suits us"

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