Chapter 13

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"Gryffindor in the lead with sixty to ten, if Potter manages to catch the snitch, Gryffindor will have won the year!" we hear a voice as we come closer to Hogwarts. George grins at me and states, "There's a Quidditch game going on! Shall we?"

"We shall," I reply. We park behind the Quidditch stands and get out. We go and sit where the professors and parents are. We wanted to surprise Professor McGonagall, but she beat us to it.

"GEORGE WEASLEY!" she beams at him, and I'm not surprised. George was very well known in our time at Hogwarts. I was usually in the library, keeping to myself, so McGonagall probably didn't recognize me.

"Hello, Professor!" he replies, "Gave me quite a scacre, you did! Have you met-"

"Cindy Fortescue! Gryffindor's unknown reader," she looks at me, "You look beautiful! But...what're you two doing together?"

"We're neighbors," he says, "Thought I'd bring her along!"

"Don't forget we're getting married!" I add in.

"Oh that's wondeful!" she clasps her hands together, "Congratulations! When's the wedding?!"

"Six months time," I reply, "Well, that's the plan so far! Would you like to come? That is, if it's okay with you George?"

George nods eagerly, and Professor McGonagall smiles ecstically. When I was at Hogwarts, she didn't smile this much.

"Please George and Cindy, come see the team after the match!"

"Of course we will," George and I look at eachother and nod.

"Yes, perfect," she looks back to the game, "Albus will be excited to see his new aunt!"

"Who?" I ask her in pure confusion.

"Why, Albus Severus!" she turns to George, "does she not know that Albus is Harry Potter's son? Your nephew?"

"She knows, just hasn't seen him, Professor," he explains for me. I smile and nod, wanting to hug George so badly. All of a sudden, we fall into our seats from the loud cheers from the crowd. 

"GRYFFINDOR HAS WON THIS YEAR!" the announcer says excitedly, "Albus Severus Potter has caught the snitch!"

 George, McGonagall and I cheer loudly as the players dismount their brooms. I see a little boy with jet black messy hair, bright green eyes and a large smile across his face. I realise at once that it's Albus Severus. George and I, lead by McGonagall, run to the pitch. We reach Albus after a few minutes of people pushing past us to congratulate him. 

"UNCLE GEORGE!" a voice comes, and a small pair of arms grabs George's legs. Bright green eyes stare at me in confusion, but I simply smile at him. 

"ALBUS!" George screams back, "You were brilliant out there! Wonderful job!"

"Thanks," he says, "but...who's this? Where's Angelina?"

Ouch. Was George known to be around her? Well...

"Erm," George looks at me awkwardly, "she and I don't really fancy eachother anymore...I've found someone better, nicer, and prettier. This is Cindy Fortescue, your soon-to-be aunt!"

He puts an arm lovingly around my waist. I feel so much better knowing someone loves me. I looks at him, and he smiles at me, giving me a "I'm so sorry I didn't know this would happen" look. I nod at him, and we follow Professor McGonagall and Albus into the school. Albus didn't say anything at all the whole walk. I feel so worried he won't accept me.

After a while, he stops and turns around and stares coldly at me. 

"I would rather have Angelina than some witch dressed like she's going to a party and I've never even met!" he says.

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