Chapter 10

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It turns out that George had disappeared to the nearest Muggle store to buy a new pair of silky, red and gold pyjamas, my brand of shampoo & conditioner, soap, and toothpaste. How he knew this? He had been in my washroom many times. As for the jammies, he somehow had jinxed them to fit me! Even though I was as skinny as a stick and had to make my own clothes.

"You have to teach me that spell," I tell him as he stands on the other side of the door, and I, in his luxurious bathroom, was taking a shower. Apparently, his Extendable Ears were now waterproof, so we could talk even when I was in the middle of a shower.

"What spell?" he asks, clueless as usual!

"The one you used to make the clothes fit me, silly!" I reply, feeling silly having an ear hanging from over the curtain rod.

"Ah, I see," he says in his business voice, "that will cost you one kiss and a wedding!"

"Do I have a choice?" I hear him laugh on the other end as I tell him.

"Not really," he replies after a fit of laughter, "seeing as you've a) accepted me as your fiance and b)you're going to be kissing me tonight."

I wash out the conditioner out of my hair, step out and get dressed for bed. I must admit, this is the fanciest pair of pyjamas I ever did wear! When I step out, George picks me up, and carries me off to bed. I land with a thump on a different bed. The bed was now a normal mattress! Quite unoriginal for a Weasley, if you ask me. But it's comfier than anything I've ever slept on!

"Where did y-"

"Hush now," he says, pressing a finger to my lips, " a drink?"

"Erm..." I say, removing his finger, "do you have any more butterbeer?"

He claps his hands twice and a large bottle of butterbeer and two large glasses appear in front of me. I'm afraid I'lll end up drinking too much, and then get drunk. But last time I did get drink with George, and it was the best time of my life! Although we were at a party. But I also want to experience this. As the debate goes on in my head, George stares at me with confusion. I must've had a funny face on...

"Earth to Cindy!" he snaps his fingers in front of my face, "What on earth could you possibly be thinking about? It's just Butterbeer!"

"Oh, so sorry!" I look at him, "Shall we?"

The following few hours was full of drunkenness, Butterbeer, burping, laughing, and snogging. Mostly snogging... then, after what seems like, and is, hours, we fall asleep, George missing his shirt. Quite a nice evening I think...

"WAKE UP!" George lies next to me without a shirt, his hair all messy, and his face full of panic. 

"What?" I mumble, not sure wether he heard me or not.

"We're late!" he pulls off the blankets and pulls me out of bed. I look at the clock on the ceiling, it reads 8:41AM!! The store needs to be open in 19 minutes! I disapparate to the washroom only to find George already there. Apparently, I wasn't the only one with a brain! 

"HURRY! We'll have to share!" he says, and gets to the sink and starts brushing his teeth. 

"WEH?!" he says, mouth full of toothpaste and foam. I laugh a bit before hurrying off to the sink and grabbing my own toothbrush. We do everything in a rush, including our clothes. He disapparates to our room, and I stay in the washroom. I grab on a normal plain white t-shirt and some jeans. When I walk out of the washroom, I see George is already dressed. I walk past him and laugh.

"What?!" he says, rushing to my side. I don't want to tell him he's forgotten a pair of pants, but I suppose I'll have too...

"Are you missing something, George?" I ask him.

"No, why?"

"Just thought you might have dropped something..." 

He looks down and runs to the room. If only you had been in front of Ron... I think to myself. George runs out of the room with sleek balck pants.

"What an improvement," I say sarcastically. But in my mind, I'm wondering what on earth happened last night? When I awoke, the room had smelled faintly of butterbeer, so I knew that had something to do with it. We grab some pieces of toast and run to his backyard. As we get in, I hear George order me, "Don't leave crums!"

We stuff our toast into our mouths like pigs (what choice did we have?!) as we fly. George attempted to take bites of my toast a few times. Of course, with my skills, he got half. 

"You owe me..." I say gloomily. 

"Hey, aren't I letting you live with me?" he jokes, and I shake my head in disapproval (in humor, of course).

We run through Diagon Alley after parking at our usual spot and actually pushing people out of the way (which made me apologize at least a gazillion times and George laugh). When we got there, we were about 10 minutes early, which helped a lot, and made me curious how we got there so fast! And it turned out Ron was late instead of us.

"About time," George and I say in unison.

"Ha ha," he says sarcastically. He goes to the checkout, ties on his apron, and opens the register to start counting again. We weren't very busy until after lunch, which was actually expected for George. For lunch, we went to Hogsmeade again. First we went to a Muggle place called McDonalds, then disapparated to Madam Rosmerta's (I learnt that is the name of the place we went yesterday) and we were snogging and drinking tea again. Madam Rosemerta said we didn't have to pay for another TWENTY visits because of the Pigmy Puffs! It was so kind of her. We thanked her and left with some at-home tea packets for Ron, just for the fun of it. It turns out he needed some because he had forgotten to buy an anniversary present for least I think that's her name. 

"Hey, thanks mate," I heard Ron say to George a while later, "listen. Think you could bring Cindy over tonight? Hermione wants to meet her."

I didn't stay to listen to the rest, because all of a sudden, swarms and swarms of customers were entering and buying! Some were mothers buying presents for their sons and daughters; others were dads trying to pull pranks on their wives. It had been a long and nice day. It's just that George wasn't his usual happy self after we snogged...I wonder what's wrong? Well, I'll be sure to ask him after we leave. And for some reason, Ron got to leave early...

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