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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city, Azure found herself standing outside Lotte's house, a bouquet clutched tightly in one hand and a box of chocolates in the other. Her heart raced with nervous anticipation as she took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead.

She had spent the entire day wrestling with her guilt and shame over the events of the morning, the memory of Katie's hurt and betrayal still fresh in her mind. But as she stood there on Lotte's doorstep, she knew that she couldn't let her fear and insecurity hold her back any longer. She needed to make things right, to apologize to Lotte for her reckless behavior, and try to salvage what little remained of their friendship.

If friendship was the word to define their relationship.

With a knot in her throat, Azure knocked at the door, her heart pounding in her chest as she waited anxiously for a response. The sound of footsteps approached from inside, and Azure's breath caught in her throat as the door swung open, revealing Lotte standing on the other side.

Lotte's eyes widened in surprise as she saw Azure standing on her doorstep, her expression a mix of confusion and concern as she took in the bouquet and box of chocolates clutched tightly in Azure's hands. For a moment, neither of them spoke, the air thick with tension as they stood there in silence, each waiting for the other to break the ice.

Finally, Azure cleared her throat, her voice barely above a whisper as she spoke. "Hey," she murmured softly, her words tinged with nervousness. "I, uh... I wanted to apologize for what happened earlier. I know I messed up, and I'm really really sorry."

For a long few seconds, Lotte didn't reply, simply looking up and down at Azure. Then, she crossed her arms, leaning against the door frame. "I don't like chocolate." She said, her voice
firm yet gentle, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes as she spoke.

Azure's heart sank at Lotte's words, a pang of disappointment washing over her as she realized that her peace offering had fallen flat. But she refused to let her spirits be dampened by the setback, knowing that she needed to keep trying if she wanted to make things right.

"I, uh... I can put them away then," Azure replied awkwardly, shifting the box of chocolates in her hands as she tried to hide her disappointment. "I also brought these flowers," she added, holding out the bouquet for Lotte to take. "I thought... well, I thought they might brighten up your day a little."

Lotte took the flowers from Azure's hand, taking a second to smell their perfume, then stepped away from the door, inviting Azure in with a nod.

Azure's heart skipped a beat as Lotte stepped aside, a faint glimmer of hope sparking in her chest as she hesitantly crossed the threshold into Lotte's house. She followed Lotte into the living room, her eyes darting around the unfamiliar space as she tried to gather her thoughts and find the right words to say.

Lotte's place was very... Lotte. To say the least. Plants everywhere, big windows to let the sun in, colorful artwork on the walls, and cozy furniture arranged in a way that invited relaxation and comfort. It was a reflection of Lotte's vibrant personality, filled with warmth and vitality that seemed to radiate from every corner of the room.

Even the couch Lotte had gestured Azure to sit on was of an intense shade of yellow. Azure took a seat, her hands fidgeting nervously in her lap as she waited for Lotte to join her.

Lotte settled into an armchair opposite Azure, her gaze steady and unwavering as she studied Azure with a mix of curiosity and concern. "So," she began, her voice soft yet firm as she spoke. "What happened this morning?"

Azure shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her gaze flickering nervously as she struggled to find the right words to explain her actions. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come as she prepared to confront the demons that had plagued her since that fateful morning.

The sober side of pain //McCabeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz