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The players listened attentively as the coach outlined the plan for the week, a mix of anticipation and determination evident on their faces. The team had settled comfortably into the hotel lobby, its airy space filled with the buzz of conversation. Azure tried her best to focus, but this early in the morning, it was a lost cause.

She was half asleep, grumpy, and frustrated. Katie and her didn't manage to find a second to themselves yesterday evening, and the tension building up between them threatened to overspill at any moment. Azure could barely look at Katie without having unholy thoughts clouding her mind, and Katie was the exact same.

"Alright, girls. Here is the program for the rest of the week. We're playing PSV on Thursday, and Barcelona on Saturday." The coach explained to the assembly of players sitting in the hotel lobby in front of him. "This morning, the focus will be on recovery and light training. We'll have a tactical session in the afternoon to prepare for PSV. Tonight, there's a team dinner to build morale and enjoy some downtime. We're going to a nice restaurant, so wear something smart. Tomorrow, we'll ramp up the intensity with a full training session in the morning and a strategy meeting in the evening. You'll have the afternoon free to enjoy Spain a little."

Katie leaned back in her seat, her arm casually draped over the backrest, exchanging a quick glance with Azure. Free time to enjoy Spain the two women would surely use to finally address the tension that had been simmering between them. Azure felt her pulse quicken at the thought, trying to push the idea aside to focus on the coach's words.

"Remember," the coach continued, "these games are friendlies. They're not about winning, but about building chemistry and understanding our strengths and weaknesses. We need to approach each game with focus and intensity."

The coach's words resonated with the team, each player nodding in agreement. Azure tried to shake off her drowsiness, forcing herself to focus on the importance of the upcoming matches. She knew she couldn't afford to let her personal distractions affect her performance on the field.

Katie, sensing Azure's struggle, gave her a reassuring smile, their unspoken connection offering a momentary reprieve from the tension between them. Azure returned the smile, grateful for Katie's understanding.

"We'll give you the rest of the schedule after the game against PSV. does anybody have any questions?" The coach's question hung in the air, prompting a brief moment of silence as the players absorbed the information. "No? Perfect. See you guys on the field after breakfast. Eat good and stay hydrated."

After a few hand claps, the girls got up from their seats and walked together to the cafeteria. While she was walking, Azure's phone buzzed.

Katie McCabe: Meet me in the bathrooms in 5? I need to talk to you about something

Azure's heart skipped a beat as she read Katie's message, a mixture of nervousness and anticipation coursing through her veins. She glanced around quickly, making sure no one had noticed the message before typing back a quick reply.

Azure: On my way.

With a sense of urgency, Azure quickened her pace, eager to find a moment alone with Katie to address the tension that had been building between them. She slipped away from the group, making her way to the bathrooms as discreetly as possible.

Once inside, she found Katie leaning against the sink, her expression unreadable. Azure's heart raced as she approached, her mind buzzing with a hundred different thoughts and emotions.

The sober side of pain //McCabeWhere stories live. Discover now