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Now that the game against PSV had passed, the one against Barcelona suddenly felt so real.

They had won the PSV game 4-0. Azure hadn't managed to score on her comeback game. She came in at the 67th minute, got one good goal opportunity, but that one went wide, much to her frustration.

The next morning, she stepped into the cafeteria for breakfast, looking around to spot her girlfriend among the crowded tables.

When she didn't, she grabbed her phone, opening their conversation together to send her a text.

Before she even had time to do that though, Katie sprung out of nowhere, stealing her phone out of her hands and grinning mischievously. "Who ya texting?" she asked, looking at Azure's screen.

Azure stepped closer, a playful glint in her eye. "Give it back," she said, her tone light but with a hint of mock seriousness.

"Wait, why am I called 'Katie McCabe' in your contacts?" Katie asked, raising an eyebrow and glancing back at Azure, her indignation etched on her face.

"Because it's your name?" Azure replied, a frown creasing her forehead as she reached for her phone. "What's wrong with that?"

Katie dodged her hand, holding the phone just out of reach. "Most people put something cute or funny for their girlfriend's contact name. You know, like, I don't know, 'baby' or 'love' with a heart emoji, or even just an emoji."

Azure rolled her eyes, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth despite herself. "Oh, I see. So, what do you have me saved as, then?"

Katie grinned, the mischief in her eyes intensifying. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Azure lunged for her phone again, and this time Katie let her have it, laughing. "Fine, fine, I'll change it. How about 'Troublemaker'?" Azure suggested, tapping away at her phone.

Katie snorted, shaking her head. "You can do better than that, Rocky."

"Okay, okay," Azure said, pretending to think hard. "How about 'Kick-Ass Girlfriend'?"

Katie smiled, a bit of pride mixing with the playfulness in her eyes. "Now you're getting closer. But don't just settle for the obvious."

Azure typed for a moment, then showed the screen to Katie.

"Gorgeous goal machine? Seriously? I barely score 10 goals a season." Katie laughed, shaking her head at Azure's choice.

"Well, I think you're gorgeous, and you definitely know how to score when it counts," Azure said, leaning in to press a quick kiss to Katie's cheek. "And you only score bangers."

Katie felt a warmth spread through her chest at Azure's words, a smile blooming on her lips. "Well, I did score you, and that's a huge banger."

Azure chuckled, her cheeks flushing slightly at Katie's words. "Smooth, McCabe. Real smooth."

Katie winked, her grin widening. "I try my best." She handed Azure's phone back to her, their fingers brushing against each other for a brief moment.

"So, how am I called in your contacts?" Azure asked, curiosity shining in her eyes.

"Aze. With a heart and a rock." Katie said, walking towards the breakfast buffet, Azure following closely behind.

"A rock? Why a rock?" Azure asked, puzzled by the choice of emoji.

"Are you dumb on purpose or is it a gift, honey?" Katie asked, grabbing a plate and piling it high with scrambled eggs and bacon.

Azure simply watched her, a dumbfounded look on her face, grabbing an apple from a nearby stand.

The sober side of pain //McCabeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang