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"Looking fresh, mate." Beth joked when Azure got out of the bathroom with a pair of sunglasses on.

"Shut up, Mead," Azure grunted in reply, zipping closed her bag so it was ready to go.

Beth chuckled, leaning back against the wall with a smirk. "Rough night?"

Azure sighed, adjusting the sunglasses to block out the harsh morning light streaming through the hotel room window. "Let's just go get breakfast. I need food in my system."

Beth nodded at her words, and they joined the rest of their teammates in the hotel cafeteria, where the smell of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon greeted them. Azure's stomach growled in response, and she felt a twinge of regret for last night's excesses.

As they approached the table where the rest of the team sat, Vivianne looked up from her plate with a knowing grin. "Morning, sunshine. How are we feeling today?"

Azure slid into a chair, her sunglasses still firmly in place. "Like I've been hit by a truck. Twice."

"I was one of them trucks," Katie boasted out, a smirk gracing her lips as she set a plate of toast and a cup of coffee in front of her girlfriend, gently kissing her temples.

"Okay, gross." Leah grimaced, shaking her head in mock disgust. "Do you two ever turn it off?"

Katie shrugged, her smirk widening. "What can I say? We like to keep things interesting."

Azure managed a weak laugh, taking a grateful sip of the coffee Katie had brought her. "Just don't expect me to be very interesting this morning."

"That's alright, Rocky," Beth said, patting her on the back. "We'll let you recover in peace. You earned it."

"You got your bingo?" She asked, and both Viv and her girlfriend shook their heads.

"Almost. Only two boxes missing. You didn't almost punch someone, and..." Viv paused, looking at her phone. "Oh yes, Lotte didn't accidentally tripped over her own feet while trying to dance."

Azure chuckled softly, wincing slightly as her headache reminded her of its presence. "Well, you can't win them all."

"Baby. Eat." Katie ordered when she saw Azure still hadn't touched her plate.

Azure sighed softly and dug into her toast and coffee, grateful for the simple comfort of food and caffeine. The familiar routine of breakfast with her teammates helped to ground her, easing the lingering effects of the night before.

Her brain tuned out her teammates's conversations while she ate, focusing solely on herself and on Katie's hand on her knee.

"You better sleep on the bus, babygirl," Katie whispered into Azure's ear, who blushed at the nickname, but didn't comment on it. Katie sure knew how to choose her moment.

"Will you sleep with me?" Azure asked, looking at Katie through her sunglasses.

"Gross!" Leah exclaimed from her seat, earning a playful eye roll from Katie, who flipped her off with a fake smile gracing her lips.

"Shut up, Williamson. Get laid." Katie grinned, her playful retort earning laughter from the team.

Leah rolled her eyes dramatically but couldn't hide her smile. "Whatever, McCabe. Not everyone wants to hear about your love life at breakfast."

"Could've fooled me," Katie shot back with a wink, causing another round of laughter.

Azure, despite her headache, couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and belonging amidst the banter and teasing.

The sober side of pain //McCabeWhere stories live. Discover now