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The moving was chaos. Pure chaos.

First, there was an issue with the moving truck. It was supposed to arrive at 8 a.m., but by 9:30, there was still no sign of it. Katie, ever the pragmatist, was on the phone with the moving company, her voice a mix of frustration and pure anger. "I don't care if your truck broke down, you need to send another one. Now."

Meanwhile, Azure was trying to keep things organized in the apartment. Boxes were scattered everywhere, and it seemed like no matter how many she packed, there were always more things to sort through. Laura and Leah were godsend, calmly taping up boxes and making sure everything was labeled properly.

Then, Katie and Azure started bickering. Properly.

"Why are you packing your furniture if you're keeping them here?" Katie asked, crossing her arms and watching Azure struggle with a particularly bulky bookshelf.

Azure sighed, her frustration evident. "I'm not packing it to take with us. I'm just moving it to make space for the boxes."

Katie rolled her eyes. "We should've hired professional packers. This is a mess."

"I told you I could handle it," Azure snapped back, dropping the box she was carrying. "And I am handling it. If the truck had arrived on time, we wouldn't be in this mess."

Katie's eyes narrowed. "This isn't just about the truck, Azure. You're not ready for this, and it's showing."

Azure's face flushed with a mix of anger and embarrassment. "That's not fair, Katie. I'm doing my best."

Leah and Laura looked at each other, both sensing the rising tension, and Leah stepped between them. "Hey, let's take a breather, okay? We're all stressed out."

Katie took a deep breath, her shoulders relaxing slightly. "Yeah, sorry. I'll go pack stuff in your bedroom."

Azure smiled softly and nodded, and they all resumed packing.

Twenty minutes later, they were back at it again.

"Don't pack my cleats, Katie. We have a game tomorrow." Azure said, keeping her tone down.

"Just choose one pair and I won't pack it, then," Katie suggested, not without letting out a huge sigh.

"But I don't know which one I'll wanna wear tomorrow," Azure argued.

"Oh, fucking embarrassment of the riches," Katie replied, rolling her eyes.

"You say that like you don't have fucking- 20 pairs!" Azure retorted, her frustration spilling over. "Don't act like you're above it, Katie!"

Katie slammed the lid on the box she was sealing, her jaw tight with irritation. "I'm not saying I am, but at least I know how to make a decision!"

Leah, who had been trying to keep things light-hearted, sighed and stepped in again. "Guys, come on. We're all on edge. Can we just get through this without tearing each other's heads off?"

But Azure wasn't having any of it.

"She's fucking right, though! You're being ridiculous, Katie!" Azure exclaimed, her frustration boiling over.

Katie's eyes flashed with anger, her patience wearing thin. "Me? I'm being ridiculous? Look at yourself, Azure. You're the one throwing a tantrum over a pair of shoes!"

The tension in the room was palpable, and Laura and Leah exchanged worried glances. They both knew how stubborn Azure and Katie could be, and they dreaded the thought of them escalating into a full-blown argument.

"Alright! Enough! Follow us. Both of you. And no arguing or I'm calling Kim!" Leah ordered, and it immediately kept the two girls' mouths shut.

Leah grabbed Azure while Laura grabbed Katie. They forced the two women into the bathroom and closed the door behind them. "I want you two to talk and fix whatever the hell is going on between you two. Until then, none of you are leaving this room. Laura and I will handle the packing."

The sober side of pain //McCabeWhere stories live. Discover now