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Gorgeous goal machine 🤍: where you at, Rocky?

Gorgeous goal machine 🤍: Oi

Gorgeous goal machine 🤍: Azure.

Incoming call from Gorgeous goal machine 🤍...

"Yeah?" Azure answered, clearly out of breath.

"Where are you? Why aren't you answering your phone?" Katie's voice came through the phone, tinged with concern and a hint of annoyance.

"I'm running," Azure replied, and by the sound of her breath, Katie could tell she was still running.


"I've gotta train." Azure panted, slowing her pace just a little.

Katie sighed softly at her words. "Baby. We had a full training session and a gym session today. You're not supposed to overdo it. You know that. You need rest just as much as training." Katie's voice softened, her concern clear. "Besides, it's getting late. You should be home."

Azure slowed her pace to a walk, her breathing gradually evening out. "I know, I know," she said, a hint of frustration in her voice. "I'll be home soon."

Katie's voice softened further, her worry evident even through the phone. "Are you pushing yourself too hard again, love?"

There was a long pause in their conversation, where the only thing that could be heard was Azure's heavy breathing.

"No, I'm not." She then replied. "I'll be home soon."

Katie closed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose, but didn't say anything, except: "Okay, see you soon."

Of course, Azure did not come home 'soon'. She stayed outside until the sun set down, and the lampposts turned on.

She would've stayed outside more if she could. She would've grabbed a ball and gone back to Colney to shoot at a goal for hours on end, until she perfected every angle, every shot. But she knew that wouldn't sit well with Katie, especially after the concern she had already voiced.

Finally, as the evening grew darker and the streetlights cast long shadows, Azure reluctantly decided to head back. The exhaustion from the day's training, coupled with her additional run, was starting to take its toll. She wiped the sweat from her brow and began the slow jog back to their flat.

She knew she was in for a scold. She knew Katie was gonna yell, and that she was gonna yell back, and that it would most certainly be the kind of shouting that didn't lead them to end the night tangled and naked, but to both of them sleeping back-to-back in tense silence.

As she opened the door to their flat, the familiar warmth and scent of home greeted her. Katie was sitting on the couch, her expression a mix of relief and frustration as she looked up from her phone.

"You're late," Katie said, her voice a mixture of concern and irritation. "You said you'd be home soon."

Azure sighed, dropping her keys on the table. "I'm not late. I don't have a schedule.  I don't need a lecture right now. I'm exhausted."

"You fucking serious?" Katie immediately answered, getting up from the couch and following Azure as she walked to the bathroom. "Oi!" Katie's voice sharpened with irritation as she followed Azure down the hall. "Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you, Aze."

Azure turned on the bathroom light, casting a harsh glow over her sweaty, tired face. She turned the faucet on, splashing cold water onto her skin in an attempt to calm herself. "I'm not trying to argue with you, Katie. I just need some space."

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