14. Struck in the heart

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(No one in particular)

Vivienne is still staring at Austin and the fans behind him. 'Viv, you don't have to tell them if you don't want to.' 'Thanks. I'm gonna get some water. See you later! Bye everyone!' She walks off the stage, waving goodbye.

As soon as she comes backstage, Alex walks towards her, and joins her on her way to a vending machine. 'Hey there! What's going on?' She sighs, while inserting a dollar into the machine. 'I can't tell you.' 'Come on, you can tell me. You're like my lil' sis, we always tell each other things!'
She's quiet at first, but then she opens her mouth. 'I don't know how to say this, but I'm leaving soon. And I don't know when I'm coming back.' She walks away, forgetting her bottle of water. Alex walks after her, getting that first. 'But shouldn't you at least tell Austin?' Alex looks at her, being curious of what she will say. 'I'll see okay? He has to find out eventually!'
With that, she walks further, but Alex is not taking that for granted.

----------------------------------------------(A/N: okay, so now the question is: will she tell Austin, or will she just leave? And who is this mystery guy she's heading to? Comment your guesses, and the first one to correctly guess it gets to be mentioned and gets a role as a friend or even the best friend role! Depends on which mood I am, so I'll see your comments soon I guess?)

(DISCONTINUED) What About Love (Sequel To Life Sucks Without You)Where stories live. Discover now