22. They don't know about us

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(Vivienne's P.O.V)
At the hotel, I walk up to a desk. I tell the employee we have made a reservation. She recognizes us and tells us some more things before making sure someone will take our stuff to our room. Me and Mr. X get the keys and then we are allowed to go to our room. Nobody's seeing that we're popular people, so that makes it easier for us to get there unnoticed. When the door's shut, we take a look around the room. It's nice and romantic. He has really taken care of this. But now I wonder how long we can do this. Anyways, we get settled and sit down to have a drink.
'So, what are the plans for the next few days?' Mr. X asks. I take a sip from my glass of Coca Cola, and think about it for a while. 'I have to go to my aunt sooner or later. Before that time, I thought maybe we can go out of town and see Britain properly.' He smiles at me, showing me he finds that a wonderful idea.
'Are you sure you want to risk being spotted by fans and paparazzi?' He asks me, looking into my eyes. We're already out of our hotel room, and on our way to the busy streets of London. Before we can even go somewhere, the hotel staff asks us for our signatures. We quickly scribble it down, and then we get rolling.
When finally outside, a girl looking around fourteen years old notices us. 'Hey, that's Vivienne with Luke Hemmings. What are they doing here?'

(Austin's P.O.V)
I'm still not in the air. The plane is still waiting to depart, but they have to wait a few minutes. I guess I'll play another game this time.

When the plane is flying, I listen to some music. I also find something else to do in case I get bored. When the song American Idiot starts to play, I get a wonderful idea. The guy she's gonna meet is probably English. That means I could find out who it is. Or I can just wait until it will show up on the news. Thinking that it will be okay if I sit back and relax. Maybe sleep for a little while. So I close my eyes and relax.

When I open my eyes again, I figure out it's not even an hour later. Damn! I just wanna sleep! It's stupid that I don't have a signal here, or else I would text some friends. I'm above the sea at the moment, and there's nothing really interesting to see out of my window. Luckily Alex is still on board. Maybe I could talk to him. So I get out of my chair and walk to the back of the plane, where I suppose he is. As soon as I see him, I sit down on a chair next to him. Then we start doing what we always do.

(DISCONTINUED) What About Love (Sequel To Life Sucks Without You)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora