18. Trip to the airport

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(Vivienne's P.O.V)

I'm in a taxi, and I text with a lot of people. Alex is warning me for Taylor, my mother wants to know where I am and Michele is telling me she heard that I'm leaving so soon. And of course that guy, I believe he's kinda bored or something. Man, he should be sleeping by now! Time differences can be so confusing sometimes! 

Anyways, I'm gonna call this guy mr. X until I want to reveal his name. I just feel somehow I can't tell you his name yet. Ah, I see I got another message from him. I'm gonna have a chat with him.

Mr. X: Sup princess? Are u fine now that u've made ur decision?

Me: I don't think so. Austin's so gonna be mad at me if he finds out

Mr. X: Well, that's why ur going to London early isn't it?

Me: Yeah I believe that too

Mr. X: U can also come to LA and I can come there too, I don't mind

Me: No, let's just meet up in London, okay?

Mr. X: Okay love

At that moment, the taxi arrives at the airport. 'Do you need help with your bags?' the driver asks. I tell him it's okay, and that I'll manage on my own. I pay him and walk to the departures hall. The check-ins are really close from here, so I can check in immediately. It doesn't matter that I want to take a flight earlier. They have enough space for me to join the flight. As I drop off my suitcase, I feel someone tap my shoulder. When I turn around, I see the person I never wanted to see again a.k.a Taylor Rafford. But surprisingly she isn't that out of her mind as the last time I saw her.

'Is it true you broke up with Austin?' she asks, with that fake smile of hers. 'Yes Taylor. So go ahead, torture me, take him. But leave me alone.' I expect her to be satisfied and leave saying a fake 'thank you', but she doesn't. 'Oh, and by the way, I know your secret. One word with Austin ever again and I will tell him.' 'Okay, whatever. Bye!' She doesn't know I let another girl know about this. And she is definitely gonna treat Austin better than Taylor ever did and will do. I walk away, to look around and find the gate I have to go to.


(A/N: Like in the previous story I don't have anything against her ok? But it's her comeback, so don't hate me for using her this way. Just the story.)

[Next hint is a word puzzle. Fill in the letter ending the first and starting the next word]

Forwar _ escending

Luckie _ estrooms

Tut _ nbearable

Blosso _ erchandise

Chlorofor _ aleficent

Ambulanc _ vacuation

Alligato _ aindrop

And now, maybe you noticed you can make a word with those letters. Take the two middle letters that are the same. You might need them.

(DISCONTINUED) What About Love (Sequel To Life Sucks Without You)Where stories live. Discover now