8. Here I stay

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Chapter 8.

Monologue: Austin. (Sorry if monologue is not the right word)
I keep thinking about what could be on her mind. It can't be only Taylor she's worrying about. My head's not thinking straight anymore. But the biggest deal is: what if she doesn't wanna go on tour with me? 'Oh Austin, about your question, I don't know if I will join you.' I look into her eyes. They are filled with fear and thoughts. That reminds me of the day I asked where she lives.

The second day on her vacation, she came to the beach again. I had to do a few last things for my shot. That time we did actually see each other. She decided to keep it cool, since a lot of Mahomies live around here. But I didn't see her before. So I thought that I could ask her where she lives. Maybe I can visit her when I'm around. 'Hey, I know we just met but where do you live? You don't seem to be from around here.' She first stuttered, following by a bit of a scared look. 'Don't worry. I won't stalk you. Just curious and interested.' Then, she answered. 'The Netherlands. Thanks for your interest.'
*End flashback*
So now, I'm finally home. We both get out of the car, and go into the house. We go into the kitchen, and make ourselves at home again. 'Do you want something to eat?' I ask her. She nods and I smile at her. 'You know what I like to drink.' I go to the fridge and get her favorite drink. I poor it into a glass and put the bottle back. Then I walk over to her, and give her her glass. She takes a sip, and puts the glass on the table. She keeps being quiet. 'Please tell me what's up. I can't bear seeing you like this! And you know you can tell me anything!' She turns her head, but avoids eye contact. 'I'll go back tomorrow.' But she doesn't have to go back so soon,right? Then she gets up, looks at me, and walks towards the stairs.

(DISCONTINUED) What About Love (Sequel To Life Sucks Without You)Where stories live. Discover now