𑁍𝗖𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀 𝗦𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗹𝗼~𝗧𝗶𝗰𝘀𑁍

748 17 15

A/N~This was requested by Sturniolotriplet1, I hope you and everyone else likes it.

TW~Tourettes, swearing, and tics.


I woke up feeling like a pile of crap, my Tourettes already in full force. It was going to be a hard day, but I was determined to push through it.

Today was the day we were supposed to film a gaming video with Chris, Matt, and Nick, as we would answer questions from fans. I could already feel the nervous energy building up inside me as I got ready for the day.

As I walked into the living room, I saw Chris, Matt, and Nick already setting up for the gaming session. Chris looked up and smiled at me, his eyes full of love and understanding. He knew how hard days like this could be for me, but he always stood by my side, ready to support me in any way he could.

"Hey, baby, how are you feeling today?" Chris asked, wrapping his arms around me in a comforting hug.

"I'm okay, FUCK!" I replied, but my words were interrupted by a vocal tic that caused me to swear. I winced, feeling the familiar ache in my body that basically told me I would be experiencing some pretty bad tics today.

Chris noticed the change in my demeanor and quickly asked, "Are you feeling the pain again baby?"

Before I could answer, the pain hit me like a ton of bricks, and I involuntarily went to hit myself. But Chris was faster, catching my fist before it made contact with my chest. "You're okay, take it easy." He spoke as I sighed in relief, grateful for his quick reflexes.

"Let's get started, guys!" Matt exclaimed, eager to begin the gaming session.

As Chris and I sat down, Matt and Nick grabbed their controllers and logged into the game. Chris started reading out the questions from fans, and me and the boys did our best to answer them despite the constant interruptions from my tics.

Suddenly, as I was in the middle of answering a question, a particularly strong tic caused me to hit my chest again. This time Nick was quick to react, dropping his phone and grabbing my wrist before I could hurt myself further.

"Hey, it's okay Y/N, take a minute." Nick spoke as more vocal tics came along causing me to slump back in my chair, groaning in pain. Then tears prickled at the corners of my eyes. I could feel the overwhelming frustration building up inside me, knowing that I couldn't control these tics no matter how hard I tried.

Matt and Chris took off their headphones and turned around in their chairs, concern evident on their faces. They could tell that today was one of those really bad days for me.

"Maybe we should stop filming for today," Matt suggested, glancing over at Chris for confirmation.

I nodded weakly, feeling defeated by my own body's betrayal. "It's alright baby." Chris said as he walked over to my chair, crouching down next to my chair then pulling me into a hig as I let some tears fall.

"We can continue this another time Y/N, just make sure you're alright." Matt said as I nodded.

Chris gently picked me up, cradling me in his arms as he carried me to his room. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso, knowing that he was the only anchor I had in moments like these.

I involuntarily hit his back as we walked. "I'm sorry Chris." I apologised, as I accidently hit his back again, but Chris just kissed the top of my head and continued to carry me to his room, where he sat me down opposite him on the bed.

He held my hands in his, a protective gesture to prevent me from hitting myself in my fragile state. We sat in silence for a moment, the weight of my condition heavy in the air between us.

"You know I love you, right?" Chris whispered, breaking the silence.

I looked into his eyes, seeing nothing but love and understanding reflected back at me. I nodded, feeling the tears spill over and run down my cheeks.

"I love you too, baby," I whispered back, my voice barely above a whisper. We sat there, holding hands and sharing a moment of quiet understanding before Chris spoke again.

"Let's talk about Friday's car video," he suggested, trying to steer the conversation towards something positive.

I smiled weakly, grateful for his attempt to distract me from my own struggles. We spent the rest of the afternoon talking about filming ideas and laughing at silly jokes, Matt and Nick joining later. Although there were a lot of tics during the remainder of the day, the stress of them was taken away by the 3 guys.

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