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A/N~This waa requested by ElmarieDutoit7, I hope you and everyone else likes it. Y/N is 6 years old.

TW~Beaten up, blood, injury, pain and being kidnapped.


I'm so excited! I'm at the amusement park with my brothers, Chris, Matt, and Nick. I'm only 6 years old, but I love going on roller coasters with my brothers.

We're walking towards the next one, and I'm bouncing up and down with excitement. "Guys, guys, can we go on the dragon coaster next? Pleeease?" I ask.

Chris, Matt, and Nick all chuckle and nod in agreement. "Yeah, let's do it," Chris says.

But as we get closer to the coaster, we get stuck in a huge crowd. I start to get a little scared and cling to my Matt's hand. "Guys, I'm scared," I say.

Matt tries to reassure me. "It's okay, sis. We're right here with you. We'll find a way to get through this."

But before we can even move forward, I feel someone grab me from behind. I try to scream, but my voice is muffled by something over my mouth. I look up and see that it's a person wearing a hood and a mask. They're pulling me away from my brothers!

I try to struggle and kick my legs, but the person is too strong. They drag me down an alleyway that's dark and abandoned. I start to cry and scream for my brothers. "Chris! Matt! Nick! Help!"

The person starts beating me up, kicking me in the stomach. It hurts so much. I feel like I'm going to throw up. I try to scream again, but my voice is hoarse from crying.

Just when I think things can get worse, the person gets pulled off of me. I collapse to the ground, clutching my stomach and crying uncontrollably.

Nick's POV

I kept a close eye on Y/N, holding onto Matt's hand, but in the commotion, I turned my back for just a second to adjust my hat, and she was gone. I scanned the crowd frantically, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Chris! Matt!" I yelled, my heart racing. "Y/N's gone!"

We quickly scanned the area, asking people if they had seen her. But no one had. We were starting to get really worried. We walked around, calling out her name, but there was no response.

"Let me track her watch." Chris said, grabbing his phone and finding the location of her watch. "She's still here somewhere. Wait...She's down by the ferris wheel!" Chris said as we push through the crowd, heading towards the ferris wheel.

We looked and looked, but no sign of Y/N. As we were about to give up hope, I heard a faint shout followed by a blood-curdling scream. My heart skipped a beat as I grabbed my brothers' arms. "That way!" I exclaimed, and we took off in a sprint.

We went a but further away from the wheel and then we saw hooded figure was beating someone up on the ground. My stomach turned as we rushed towards them. Matt pulled the guy off, and I could see that it was Y/N writhing around in pain.


I look up and see my brothers' faces peering down at me. Matt's expression is filled with relief. "Oh my god, Y/N. We were so worried about you!" he says.

Nick slowly reaches down to pick me up, but I shout out in pain as he lifts me. "Stop! Stop! My tummy hurts!" I cry.

Nick quickly sets me back down and Chris rushes over to help. "It's alright Y/N, take a deep breath for me," he says, helping me to take a deep breath. He lifts my shirt up a bit to see scratches, bruises and red marks across my abdomen.

Matt pulls out his phone and starts calling the police. Nick carefully picks me up again, this time holding me against his chest. "Shh, it's okay, you're safe now." Nick whispers, as he runs his fingers througu my messy hair. Chris rubs my back gently as we wait for help to arrive.

The police finally show up, and we give them our statements. "Let's go home Y/N." Matt says as Nick stands up with me still in his arms, holding me tightly as we begin to walk back to the car.

We drive home, trying to forget the events from today. Matt drives while Chris sits in the front passenger seat. Nick sits in the back with me, holding me close as I continue to cry from the immense pain in my stomach.

When we get home, Mary Lou is waiting for us at the door. She sees the look on our faces and rushes over to hug us all tightly. I'm now in Chris' arms as he holds me on his hip. "Oh my god, what happened?" she asks.

Matt takes a deep breath and explains what happened. Mom listens intently, her eyes filling with worry.

After what feels like an eternity, Mom finally speaks up. "Okay, let's get you kids cleaned up and comfortable. We'll deal with that criminal after."

Chris slowly sets me down on the couch, still holding me close as Nick gets us each a glass of water. As we sit there in silence, I finally start to feel a little better. After a painfully cold ice pack on my stomach, I snuggled up again Matt and slowly let myself fall asleep.

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