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A/N~This was requested by MidnightRose862, I hope you and everyone else likes it. The character is 7 years old.

TW~Injury and temporary paralysis.


I woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a truck. My body was aching all over, and my legs felt like lead. I tried to get up, but they didn't want to move. I looked down at my legs and mentally cursed them. I knew this was going to be a bad day.

I have a conditional called Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) where my brain has trouble sending and receiving information to the rest of the body. However, the effects are the worst. On normal good days I get muscle twitches, tremors, jerks and contractions. But, on the bad days I get arm or leg paralysis, and I guess today was option two of the bad day.

I let out a frustrated cry and shouted out for my brothers, Chris, Matt, and Nick.

"Brothers! Can I have help?" I called out, trying to sound calm but failing miserably. It was so so strenuous living with this, so I was basically dependent on my parents and my brothers.

The boys came running into my room, smiles on their faces. They always felt bad about my condition but they loved helping me out. Chris, being the closest, was the first to reach me. "Hey, Y/N. What's going on today then?" he asked, gently helping me sit on the edge of my bed.

"I think I'm having a bad day. Good old leg paralysis. " I said, trying to explain through gritted teeth.

Matt sat on my bed beside us, his brow furrowed in concern. "We're here for you, sis. We'll help you get through it."

Nick hovered around us, his eyes darting between us. "What can I do?"

Chris spoke up, his voice reassuring. "Why don't you get Mom? She'll help get Y/N ready."

Mary Lou, our mom, came into the room a few minutes later, her expression soft with worry. "Hey, sweetie. What's going on today?"

I explained the situation to her, and she helped me get dressed and ready for the day. When we came out of the bathroom, Nick pulled out one of his hoodies from his backpack. "Hey sis. Wear this one today?"

I nodded gratefully, slipping the oversized hoodie over my head. It was always a bit too big for me, but Nick knew that it made me feel more comfortable.

"This is so comfy!" I sighed, relaxing as I sat back on the edge of my bed. "Let's head downstairs. Come on Y/N." Chris said walking over to me.

He scooped me up in his arms and carried me downstairs. Matt and Nick followed behind us, talking softly to me as we went. Once we reached the living room, Chris set me down on the couch.

Matt sat down beside me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "You're such a little trooper, Y/N."

Nick plopped down next to Matt, his eyes fixed on me with concern. "You okay?"

I nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. Throughout the day, I got some tremors and muscle twitches, but nothing too serious.

As we settled in for a chill day on the couch, Matt turned on one of their vlogs on the TV. Chris put his arm around me again, and Nick leaned back against the couch cushions.

As we watched the video, I started to relax a bit. Their videos always make my days better, their laughter reminds me that my brothers are my safe place.

But suddenly, without warning, my body jerked involuntarily. My arm shot out and punched my leg hard against the coffee table.

I didn't feel it – thanks to my temporary paralysis – but everyone else heard the contact. The sudden impact made us all jump in surprise.

"Whoa!" Chris exclaimed, releasing his grip on me, to then go and hold my arm.

Matt wrapped his arm around me tighter. "It's okay, sis. We're here for you."

Nick sat up straighter, his eyes wide with concern. "Y/N, you look a bit panicked, are you okay?"

I felt a surge of panic rise up inside me before Chris spoke up again. "Hey, hey. Look at me sis. Let's take a deep breath together."

We all took a deep breath in unison, and slowly but surely, I started to relax again.

"You know what?" Matt said softly. "We're going to get through this day together. We'll make it fun."

Nick nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! We can play some games or watch more videos."

Chris smiled at me reassuringly. "And we'll be right here with you every step of the way."

I wrapped my arm around Matt's body and snuggled in close. "Thanks, guys," I whispered.

Matt smiled down at me and gave me a gentle squeeze. "We're always here for you, Y/N"

Chris leaned in closer and whispered in my ear. "You're not alone today – or any day. I promise."

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