CHAPTER 101: Back Towards UA While Trying to Save Natsuo

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{Ellie Todoroki}

Me, Tokoyami, Bakugo, Tokoyami, my dad and uncle Hawks joined Fuyumi and Shoto at the dining table.

"What was her mother like?" Midoriya asked.

He means my mother...Eliza Todoroki.

"I thought you four were really close? So I figured you would have told them about your mother" Fuyumi said.

"It is not exactly an easy subject to talk about" I said.

"What was she like before she died?" Tokoyami asked.

"Is it ok to tell them Ellie?" Fuyumi asked.

"Yeah, you can tell them" I said as me and my dad were looking at the floor, sadly.

"When me, Natsuo, mom and dad first met Eliza, she was a UA student along with Touya, since the two of them were learning to be heroes. After the two of them graduated, Touya, Keigo and Eliza started their own hero agency while trying to recruit some sidekicks. After a few weeks, Touya asked her to marry him, which she accepted and all of us were really happy for the two of them and then a month later, the two of them got married. When the two of them got back from their honeymoon, we just found that she was pregnant with Ellie, which it was a total surprise for all of us and then a year later, Ellie came into the world just a few weeks before Shoto. Then five months later, the two of them had a horrific car accident on the way back from their anniversary dinner. The paramedics were taking the two of them to the hospital, thankfully Touya survived but Eliza didn't make it" Fuyumi said with tears in her eyes as Rei consoled me and my dad.

"May I ask on what her quirk was?" Midoriya asked.

"It was electrification but it was the color blue" Rei said.

"Also, she was a hashira from the demon slayer corps too" Fuyumi said.

"Just like Kaminari" Shoto said as Midoriya agreed.

"Hey Ellie, sorry that happened to you" Bakugo said, sadly.

"Thanks Bakugo" I said.

"I am sorry, I did not mean to drop any of this on you" Fuyumi said, apologetically.

"No, you are good!" Midoriya said.

"It is time for me to take you back to school" Endeavor said, interrupting the conversation.

"Yes sir!" Midoriya said.

"I will take you and Tokoyami back to school as well" my dad said.

"Ok dad" I said.

"Thanks Mr Todoroki" Tokoyami said.

"I will meet you back at the agency Touya" Keigo said as my dad nodded.

After I went into the restroom to clean myself up, I went outside to join the others.

"Thank you for the meal! It was super delicious, I mean it" Midoriya said with a bow.

"I am really glad you like it!" Fuyumi said with a smile.

Me and Tokoyami went into my dad's car when Keigo and Natsuo left to head towards the station.

"Do not forget you would give me that tofu recipe" Bakugo said from the back seat of the car.

"Will do!" Fuyumi said.

"Do not worry, I will remind her to text it to me" Shoto said as he was looking at his phone.

"Fuyumi..." Endeavor started to say.

"Yeah dad" Fuyumi said.

"Thank you" Endeavor said as he closed the passenger door.

"I could not be happier that your Shoto and Ellie's friend Midoriya. Thank you" Fuyumi said with a smile as she grabbed Midoriya's hand.

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