CHAPTER 109: Kanan Takami

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A/N: this chapter will contain spoilers from season six so read it at your own risk

{The Liberation Army}

"The mansion is under attack!" a villain said.

"Someone inform Re-Destro!" another villain said.

"Re-Destro! Emergency!" another villain said.

"There is no need to shout, what is the problem? We are about to begin an really important meeting, please do not interrupt" Re-Destro said.

"The heroes are attacking! A ton of them are rushing through the front gates. The mansion are already half destroyed and they have sealed off out escape routes. Things are looking really bad, we are surrounded" a villain called out.


How is this happening?

{Juzo Honenuki}

Kaminari just stunned the villain with his electrification quirk and absorbed the villain's attack.

"His quirk, you call that Electrification. But how many volts can you take before you reach your limit?" the villain yelled at Kaminari.

"Why don't we find out?" he said with a slight smirk.

"Ninpo: Thousand Sheet Pierce! I put a small hole into your lungs, move about too much and it can be really fatal! Remain very still and you will all heal" Edgeshot said after he used his ultimate move as he stepped in and took down the villains.

"Nighty night naughty villains" Ms Midnight said as she jumped into the air with her sweet aroma all around her, knocking the guy villains out.

"Pre-emptive Binding Lacquered Chain Prison!" Kamui Woods said as he captured the girl villains.

"Ugh...damn, this is a mess. Hey, we need some reinforcements right now!" they said.

"" another villain said.

Oh no you don't!

"Nice work Mudman!" Gang Orca said.

"Wow, thanks!" I said as I used my softening quirk to trap the villains.

"I got him!" a villain said.


*Cough* *Cough*

"Mushrooms?" another villain said.

"Leave the crowd patrol to me, Mudman and my army of mushrooms!" Komori said with a smile.

She is right, we got this.

Vlad would be proud of the two of us.

"You have done us proud! Leave the rest to the pros and we will hit them with everything that we got while they are stunned" he said as he ran ahead.

We have done our part.

The rest is up to the pros.

{Jin Bubaigawara/Twice}


Where am I?

It is really cold and I was trapped by a dragon's claw.

Wait. What is going on? Air Wave?

"I told the safety commission when to attack in code. It was the whole thing. My strategy on this mission is to overwhelm with numbers" Air wave said as she stood in front of me.


"So obviously I had to make sure that you did not have a choice to start doubling yourself" she said as she was coming up to me.

A Pro Hero's Daughter {E. Kirishima x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now