CHAPTER 59: Work Studies

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{Izuku Midoriya}

I am standing in Sir Nighteye's agency, doing my best All Might impression in order to make Sir laugh and I am failing miserably.

'I am done for' I thought to myself.

"I am unimpressed boy, leave my office" he said, grabbing my face.

"Please Sir, I am sorry. Give me another chance, I need to get stronger" I said.

"Very well, if you can get this stamp out of my hands in three minutes, I will recruit you" he said, really serious.

In other words, I have to win Sir Nighteye over with my actions instead of my words.

One for All - Full Cowling.

This is going to be really interesting because his quirk is Foresight, meaning it allows him to predict all of my moves for an hour.


"Congratulations boy, I will recruit you, although you are not worthy of All Might's power, it should have been Mirio instead" he said to me, dropping the stamp in my hand.

"I am looking forward to working with you!" I said as I stamped my paper as I saw Ellie smile a little.

And with that, my work study at Sir Nighteye's agency was about to begin.


Some of us were in the dorms, talking about the upcoming work studies. Ellie and Shoto were standing in the corner with Bakugo, listening to our conversation since they got to leave again shortly.

"You found an agency for your work study, congratulations Deku!" Uraraka said.

"Well done Midoriya!" Iida said.

"That is really amazing!" Mina said.

"Thanks guys" I said.

"Thank you, you are an example to us all and you get to work with Ellie too" Iida said.

"I do not know how the rest of us are supposed to compete though" Kaminari said.

"Yeah, you are working at Sir Nighteye's agency, that is seriously amazing. Hope Ellie is giving you some tips" Sero said.

"And I hear Togata recommended you" Kirishima said.

"Yeah" I said.

'Except the only reason he took me on was to convince me to give up OFA. I got to talk to All Might about this' I thought to myself.

"We can't really blame them though, unlike the internships, we will be directly involved so if anything goes wrong then..." Ojiro said.

"Then the pros would have to take responsibility for whatever happened" Mr Aizawa said.

"Hey Mr Aizawa" Kaminari said.

"Only these pros who are the real deal will take on rookies like you guys knowing the risks involved. Tokoyami, it looks like you got an offer from one of them, Hawks has invited you to work with him in Kyushu" he said.

"Dude, no way!" Kaminari said.

"He is the number 3 hero" Sero said.

"Congrats Tokoyami!" Shoji said.

"It looks like you get to work with him again" Ellie said.

"Well, what do you say?" Mr Aizawa asked.

"I respectfully accept" Tokoyami said.

"Alright then. I will make sure you get the relative paperwork later, just let me know when you are expected in Kyushu, I can write off on your absences" Mr Aizawa said.

'I got to catch up somehow' Bakugo thought to himself.

"Kirishima, Amajiki from the big three wants to talk to you about something. Uraraka and Asui, you two have got a big three summons from Hado, you can track them down tomorrow. That is all for now" he said, walking away.

"Well, we would stay longer but we need to go back" Shoto said.

"Yeah, sorry guys. See you tomorrow Midoriya. Tokoyami, if you see my dad, tell him I am doing ok and I will message him soon" Ellie said.

"See you later baby shark" Kirishima said as she waved at him with a slight blush on her face.

"See you tomorrow Ellie" I said.

"I will do Ellie" Tokoyami said.

"Amajiki, that is crazy. I wonder what he wants?" Kirishima said, placing his arms behind his head.

"Considering the timing, it could be about the work study program" Asui said.

"No way, that would be too good to be true, right!" Uraraka said, shocked.

"I have to wait until tomorrow, nope...I am heading over there right now" Kirishima said, walking away from the group.

"I do not think I can wait either, let's go with him" Asui said.

"Yeah!" Uraraka said.


{Eijiro Kirishima}

Me, Asui and Uraraka arrived at the third year dorms.

"Good luck with Hado you two" I said.

"Thanks and good luck with Amajiki!" Asui and Uraraka said.

Then I went up to Amajiki.

"Please Amajiki, I am begging you, please introduce me to whoever you do your work study with you! You got to!" I said, scaring him in the process.

"Sure, you are exactly what Fat Gum is looking for, we will head there first thing tomorrow morning" Amajiki said.

"Thanks. What time do we leave tomorrow morning?" I asked.

"You meet me outside the dorms at 7:30AM and we will catch the train" he said.

{Izuku Midoriya}

The next day mark the beginning of my work study.

"Today, we will be doing some patrol and surveillance. All of us will be splitting up into two teams, I will be with Fire Storm and Bubble Girl and Mirio, you will be with Midoriya" Sir said to the four of us.

"Nighteye agency is currently working in a secret investigation" Bubble Girl said.

"Shie Hissaikai is currently a small organized crime syndicate. That is Kai Chisaki as the young head of the group, he is the second in command and he has been behaving really strangely recently. That plague mask is his trade mark" he said, showing us a picture.

"Creepy, I thought there wasn't much trouble with organized crimes these days since the police know who they are and monitor there movements" Ellie said.

"That's right. You noticed some of them when you were in Kyushu, didn't you Fire Storm" Nighteye said.

"Yeah, I did" Ellie said.

"It has been that way since the big groups broke up but this Chisaki guy is starting to gather them again though we do not know why. The details are unclear but we do know that he has made contact with the League of Villains recently" she said.

The League of Villains! This can not be good.


Midoriya, Tokoyami, Kirishima, Asui and Uraraka all got recruited for work studies. Midoriya's work study with Sir Nighteye's agency just started with a bang and he is working with Ellie and Mirio.

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