CHAPTER 15: Bakugo Vs Uraraka

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{Ellie Todoroki}

"And now it's time for the last battle of round one! He was kind of a hotshot in middle school and now just look at that determined face! It is Katsuki Bakugo from class 1A! Verses his classmate and one I am personally rooting for, Ochako Uraraka!" Mic yelled out as Bakugo and Uraraka appeared on the stage.

"I am going to win this match pink cheeks" Bakugo said.

"Pink cheeks?" Uraraka questioned.

"I'm not going to be holding back" Bakugo declared.

"And with that, let the 8th match begin!" Mic yelled out.

And then the battle has begun.

The battle has begun and you see Uraraka running towards Bakugo. she is not going to win, even if she gives it everything that she's got. Bakugo has intense reflexes and hardly any openings in hand to hand combat so this will not be an easy win, I thought. I just watched Bakugo pulled his right hand, setting of an explosion. I heard some classmates gasp, while some of us were watching still.

Bakugo is continuing to throw some explosions at Uraraka as she is continuing to run towards him. It is really hard to see with all of that smoke, wait a minute, wasn't she wearing a jacket? It is a distraction! I thought she had floated towards Bakugo. Luckily, he noticed her behind him and sent her flying with another explosion.

"Damn. Bakugo really does not hold back against anyone, does he?" Kaminari said from behind you.

"Would you hold back you electric idiot? So why don't you shut up before I burn you from the inside" I said.

Kaminari looked taken aback as he shut up, looking down.

"Way to put him in his place Ellie" Kirishima said as he smiled a little.

I blushed a little at his comment. 

"It looks like she is not resting in between attacks, despite being exploded, the poor girl" Mic announced.

"Listen kid! If you really want to become a hero, then stop attacking like a bully! If you are so good, just send her out of bounds!" I just heard someone shout from the crowd, making the stadium go really quiet.

"The crowds are booing Bakugo. And honestly, I kind of agree with what they are saying. Hey, what the crap!" Mic yelled.

"Where is the man that started the uproar? Are you a pro? Because if you are being serious, you can go home and hang up your cape. I suggest looking into another career" a voice said over the speaker.

'Mr Aizawa? What has he got to say?' I thought to myself.

"Bakugo's fierceness is an acknowledgement of his opponents strength. He knows she deserves to have made it this far. So he is making sure he does whatever it takes to keep her at bay" Mr Aizawa said.

Bakugo looked up to see a bunch of rocks and debris going straight towards him. He just figured she had some kind of plan to defeat him. She was friends with Midoriya after all. He was waiting for the right moment.

I am watching in amazement at the meteor shower and I saw Uraraka running towards Bakugo, thinking that this is her shot. When suddenly, a huge explosion went off and watched the debris and Uraraka get blown away. I just noticed Bakugo is at his limit after holding his arm. I kept on watching and notice Uraraka get back onto her feet, wanting to continue to fight but she fell onto the ground again.

"Uraraka is down!" Mic yelled over the speaker.

It is too much, she is at her limit. Bakugo had won this match.

Midnight walked onto the stage and held her hand up towards Bakugo.

"Uraraka is KO'd. That means Bakugo is the winner!" she announced.

Suddenly, Bakugo went off the stage.

Bakugo came back to the stands.

"Hey Bakugo, playing the villain huh? Must have been tough" Sero teased.

"Even if it was just you were up against, you still made a pretty convincing villain" Asui chimed in.

"Shut up idiots or else!" Bakugo yelled out, really annoyed.

"Hey Ellie, it's time" Shoto said.

"Right" I said as we left the stands to head to the rooms to wait for our match.


Round two is about to begin. Who will win? Ellie or Shoto?

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