Let's start over...

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I sighed as i made my way down the street, "This is Gospel" blasting in my ears. I shoved my hands into the pockets of my faded denim jacket, turning the corner i stopped as I saw Michael standing on his front lawn, being yelled at by some brunette girl. "What is with these boys and girls yelling at them?" I rolled my eyes as i continued walking, pausing the music as i got closer so i could hear what was going on.

"I can't believe you Michael" she yelled, her arms on her hips, her head shaking. "Can't believe me? I haven't done anything" Michael yelled back, his arms folding over his chest. "You blew me off for your stupid fucking band" She scoffed, her arms flying up in the air, before crossing over her chest. "It's either me or the band Michael" He stood their with his mouth open, unable to say anything as she stood their, staring at him. "Well?" she yelled.

I mentally slapped myself as pulled my headphones out, shoving them in my pocket. I stopped on the spot, shaking my head as i walked up to them, placing myself in front of Michael, facing the girl. "Who the hell are you?" She hissed, her eyes traveling up and down my body. "That's not important" I shook my head, "What is important is the stupid mistake you are about to make" She looked at me confused, "What the hell does that mean?" She scoffed once more, rolling her eyes.

"Are you seriously going to make Michael give up his life for you?" I questioned, my arms folding across my chest. "Yes I am. I never see him, I need attention and hes not giving it to me, he's too focused on that stupid fucking band" she hissed, pouting like a 5 years old. "That stupid fucking band is everything he's ever wanted in his life, it's his dream and he's living it with his three best friends" I shook my head, the pout from her face being wiped straight off. 

She looked at me shocked, but shook her head, looking back at Michael before her eyes traveled to meet mine once again. "What about my needs? I need someone to be there for me" she whined, pouting once more. "For fuck sake's it's not all about you" i half yelled, rolling my eyes. "If you can't support him then you don't even deserve him. The fact that you would ask him to give up something hes longed for for such a long time, is just cold"

"Michael are you gunna say anything?" She scoffed, looking back towards Michael. I stepped aside, looking at Michael. He looked at me, sighing. "If you can't support me, then i don't want to be with you" He kept his eyes on me the entire time, only looking at her once the words had long left his mouth. "Fuck you both" She yelled, turning on her heel before she stormed off. I sighed as looked at Michael, nodding with a small smile before slowly turning around and making my way to front door.

I stopped with my hand on the handle, looking at Michael once more. He stood their, looking as she walked down the street. For a moment i thought he was going to chase after her, but he just shook his head and made his way back into the house. I nodded, walking through the front door. I slammed it behind me, chucking my bag down. I sighed as I made my way over to the couch, collapsing down as i grabbed the remote and flicked on the TV. I had settled on a movie before curling up on the couch. It was early, but i was shattered. My eyes started to closed, and I had no energy to fight it.

I don't know how long i had been asleep, but when i woke it was dark. I sighed as i stretched out before sitting up, I flicked the TV off, making my way down the hall towards my bedroom. I slipped of my pants, throwing them across the room, along with my shirt and bra. I slipped on the baggy t-shirt, crawling into bed, pulling the covers right up to my chin. I closed my eyes, rolling onto my right side. Then rolling onto my left side. Then rolling onto my right side once again. I groaned after the fifth time of switch sides, rolling onto my back, i stared up at the ceiling.

Something felt off, i couldn't get comfortable, its like there was something missing. I just couldn't figure it out. Maybe it was the fact that it was just way too quite. Way too quite. "No music" I whispered as i sat up, pushing the covers off me, as i slipped out of bed, grabbing a jersey before making my way out the back door. Every night music made its way from that garage, but tonight there was nothing. I walked over to the fence, peering over at the silent house. There were no light's on, no movement, no noises what-so-ever.

A rustle came from the bushes behind me, i jumped, peering over my shoulder, seeing nothing but the blackness of the night. I held my breath, quickly making my way back inside. I walked down the hall, pulling the hood of the jersey over my messy curls, I made my way into the lounge, sighing as  i collapsed on the couch, hugging my knees to my chest. Leaning my head on my knees, I looked out the window on the street, I jumped slightly as two shadowy figures stood in the window.

I closed my eyes tight, counting to ten quietly before opening them once more. The shadows had now disappeared, i let out the breath i didn't realize i was holding in. I stared out the window and watched as the rain began to pour. I sighed, slowly standing up, pulling the jersey around my body. Just as I took a step, a loud bang made me jump. I looked towards the door, waiting. After a second bang, i slowly made my way to the door. 

Slowly opening it, on the other side stood the two figures. A small gasp escaped my lips, taking a couple steps back. One of the figures stepped forward, and I let out a sigh of relief as  Luke stepped through the door, followed by  Michael. "Fucking hell, you two scared the crap out of me" I cursed, running my fingers through my hair. "Sorry" Luke half smiled, mimicking my actions. My eye's traveled over both of them. They were both soaked from head to two, shivering from the cold. "Sit" i sighed, turning on my heel as i made my way down the hall.Grabbing two towels out the cupboard, along with blankets, I mentally cursed at myself. 'Why was i being so nice to them, when they made me feel like shit?' I shook the thought, walking back into the lounge, i chucked a towel and blanket at each of them. 

I now sat on the couch opposite, watching them gulp down the hot tea I had just made. I watched as Luke placed his mug on the table, wrapping the blankets around him once more, Michael mimicking his actions. "Wanna tell me why you're knocking on my door at 3am?" I asked, pulling my knees up to my chest, pulling the baggy t-shirt over them. Luke sighed, glimpsing at Michael, before his eyes met mine. "Why did you lie for me the day after the party?" He asked, both sets of eyes glued on me. I shrugged, resting my chin on my knees. "Why did you stick up for me yesterday?" Michael asked, once again i shrugged. "Why are you so nice to us when we treated you like crap?" Luke asked. I let out a sigh, slightly lifting my head, "I honestly asked myself the exact same question" I half whispered.

They both looked at one another, before looking back at me. "Thank you" They both smiled, "Look. We're sorry for what we said, we didn't mean any of it" Michael smiled, I nodded slightly, a small smile on my lips. "Can we, like. Start over?" Luke half smiled, confusion filled my face as i looked at him. "Hi, im Luke and this is Michael, we live next door" He smiled, i laughed shaking my head. "Well, its nice to meet you boys. I'm Riali"

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