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I walk into the living room from the bedroom to see my absolutely unfairly handsome husband on the couch, watching Tv.

It's a rainy day here in Madrid. His training was cancelled today which is lucky for me because I get to spend all day with him. Something I adore and always will.

He looks calm which is good. It's needed for the news I need to break to him. Not sure how he's going to react.

"Hello dear husband of mine." I smile way too enthusiastically as I sit down beside him on the couch.

He mindlessly wraps an arm around me before he turns to look my way. His full focus on me now.

He doesn't speak. Just scans my face.

"What did you do?" He asks instantly. Fuck. Forgot how well this man knows me. Literally can read every emotion every waver in my voice every look, every raise of the eyebrow. I'm a complete open book to him. A book he's read so many times and constantly reads. Love it usually. Hate it in a situation like this.

"What? Nothing!" I defend.

He looks around our large apartment.

"Whatever plants you bought return them." He demands

"I didn't buy any plants!" Cross my arms over my chest.

He gives me that look he always gives me when he knows I'm full of shit and lying.

I roll my eyes with a huff.

I may of bought a few.

"It's only five!" I insist.

"Five! Harms look at the apartment. It's a jungle already." He gestures around to the various plants decorating the living room.

"You said you'd let me do this. That you'd love me forever even when we'd argue about me wanting more plants and that you'd let me buy them because you can't say no to me!" I point out. Nose in the air as I turn away from him.

He rolls his eyes, sighing. Which means he's accepted defeat how I always knew he would.

"No more now!"

"Hah, we'll see." I grin.

He laughs, kisses the side of my head. Goes to turn back to the tv but he still sees me looking nervous.

"You didn't just buy plants did you?" He rubs his face in slight distress.

"Um...no...." Fiddle with my hands.

He grabs them to stop me.

"Hey, you know I'm only joking about the plants. You can buy as many as you want. Within reason." He laughs

"Well duh." I sass and he laughs more.

"That's not why I'm nervous...."

"Why are you nervous?" His voice is soft.

I look down at our intertwined hands.

𝗠𝗬 𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗢𝗡 | 𝗝𝗨𝗗𝗘 𝗕𝗘𝗟𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗛𝗔𝗠Where stories live. Discover now