Chapter 19

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(Y/N) kissed Haru. Or Haru kissed (Y/N), whatever. That didn't matter. Natsu felt a deep ache in his chest, one that he had never felt before. He couldn't bear to watch- he quickly turned back around and slipped out of the apartment.
***The Next Day***
Beep! Beep! Beep!
"Ugh..." You groaned, your hand reaching out and whacking the snooze button on your (f/c) digital alarm clock.
You felt crappy, the way you always felt on Monday mornings. You rolled over and hid your face in your pillow. Funny, you didn't remember it being red.
"Ooh, it has ears," you mumbled.
"Ew, you're drooling on me!" A high-pitched voice complained.
You reached for the tail stupidly. "Ermagerd, my pillow can tarlk-"
"How high are you?!" Saki snapped, you earning a paw to the face. She glared into your half-lidded, sleepy eyes before drifting away.
"How'd she get there, anyway?" You grumbled to yourself, tossing off what little bit of your throw blanket that was still on you. Yes, a throw blanket in summer. You had a hard time falling asleep without something covering most of your head (not your face, of course). You assumed it was because of the nightmare disorder your doctor from childhood had confirmed you had, were kidnapped.
You sat up and rose, your messy hair getting in your face. You tripped over your blanket that had gotten on the floor, and landed with a thud. "Oof!" You felt a bit of pain in your knee, but you ignored it and got back up, already in a bad mood. 'Great way to start my favorite day of the week,' you thought sarcastically.
You heard shuffling around in the room next to yours and then footsteps. A certain blue-haired boy popped his head in the doorway. "(Y/N), everything alright?" He asked, nonchalant. How could he be? Your eyes met his. I'm going to make you see me as a man, whether you have feelings for me or not.
Your face heated up, and he got a pillow thrown at his.

A little while after that, you had eaten breakfast and gotten dressed in light clothing. You walked out the door, heading to Fairy Tail. You needed money to pay for this month's rent.
As you walked you took in the cheerful glow of the sun, not a single cloud in the sky. You were careful not to get to close to the edge of the canal, not wanting a repeat of that time you almost fell in. No one would be there to catch you this time.
"Have you heard about what happened yesterday?" A man next to a news stand asked.
"About that attack? Of course I did," the man he was talking to replies grimly.
You happened to overhear the two talking, catching your attention.
The second one picks up a copy of the latest newspaper edition. "I mean, just look at this! They better find out who it is soon!"
You walked over to the news stand and asked, "Um, excuse me sirs, I don't mean to be rude, but what attacks?"
"You mean, you don't know?" The first man asked, looking surprised. You shook your head.
"Here." The second man handed you the copy he had been holding.
"Dangerous times..." Another man grunted, whom you assumed to be the one selling the papers.
The headline read: Fiore Times: Man Attacked by Mysterious Creature.
...another attack has happened, this man's wounds being quite similar to two other incidents this month. With two puncture marks on the side of his neck, this man looks like the victim of a vampire, beasts told of in legends and stars of many horror stories. The killer, believed to have caused the deaths of three other victims, has yet to be exposed. It may be the work of an animal, or someone imitating a bloodsucker as a disturbing joke.
"We just barely fit this in time for the deadline - it happened so suddenly," says journalist...a staff member of Fiore Times.
"Oh my gosh..." You muttered, not bothering to read the rest. "Thank you." You handed the magazine back to the man and hurried off before he could say anything, remembering that you had things to do. Plus, that kind of thing could easily spook you, which it did. You didn't want to know anymore.
You opened one of the doors a bit and slipped through, dodging a wooden chair that had come hurdling your way. It was lively as ever today. You smirked a bit, amused as you watched Gray and Natsu fighting each other.
"(Y/N), watch out!"
You turned just in time to see a table flying your way this time. You quickly flung up both arms to shield your face.
The table collided with your arms, the wood breaking upon impact, and splinters flew through the air.
There was a gasp as some heads turned.
Kill them.
Go away.
Oh, but I can't do that. I've always been part of you.
You ignored the voice in your head, which was starting to hurt, walking toward Natsu and Gray.
"U-um, (Y/N)? You look kinda scary..." Natsu gulped, blue lines forming on his head.
"We're sor - ugh!" You slammed their heads together, and let them fall to the ground with a thud.
Aww, there's no blood. Where's the fun in that?
Just shut the fuck up.
You smiled sweetly. "Now that those imbeciles have been dealt with..." You dusted off your hands as you muttered to no one in particular, "Time to pick a job!... But first a drink."

Light in the Dark (Natsu x Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now