Chapter 20

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Your P.O.V.
I groaned, half dead on the couch in my living room. I hadn't gotten barely any sleep last night. Mirajane had recommended a show called Angel Beats to me, and I stayed up late finishing it. It left me a mess. Especially the ending, when they were saying goodbye, I... *sniffles*
Anyway, before I go off on a rant that nobody cares about, the point is that I didn't get much sleep.
I yawned, my eyelids drooping. I rolled off the couch ungracefully, pausing as I got up to stare at it, wondering how I had even gotten there in the first place. My brain started to hurt from trying to recall what had happened after I finished my little marathon the previous night, so I just shrugged it off and headed to the kitchen. But something caught my eye. The framed painting of dragons that I had hung on the wall not too long ago was crooked. It was tipped a bit to the right. Haru had probably done it to annoy me. Damn it, you flirty bastard.
I wouldn't go as far as to say that I was obsessed, but when something was crooked or uneven it really bothered me. I tilted it to the left and took a step back. I scrunched my face up in irritation. Too much to the left. I tipped it a little bit the other way. It didn't help. I tried again but I was really grumpy from my lack of sleep, and so I wound up just taking the damn thing off the wall.
After that distraction, I walked into the kitchen but then decided that I should probably just get more sleep.

"Shit!" Turns out I had forgotten set my alarm. For the first time I was actually happy I had yet another nightmare. Who knows how late I would have woken up if I hadn't had one?
"Good morning," Haru said, popping his head in the doorway, winking.
I rolled my eyes, avoiding his. "I don't have time for your nonsense," I said, walking right past him.
"Children these days," he said with a shrug, following behind, clearly just trying to annoy me. "They have no manners."
"Cut the crap, you're a little brat yourself," I said, looking around. "Where the hell did my brush go?"
"Personally, I find your bedhead adorable."
"What will it take for your moody ass to shut up?" I snapped, my cheeks heating up from the slightly awkward tension in the air. A little harsh, I know. But that brat was annoying, and he knew perfectly well that approaching me in the morning was not a good idea. Not to mention he was a bit...creepy, being a flirt and all. I feel uncomfortable when people flirt with me.
"Ouch, cold. I guess it can't be helped," Haru said, the corners of Hus mouth suddenly turning up. "If you want to mend my broken heart, just give me one ki-"
I interrupted him, a vein popping on my forehead. "One kick, coming right up," I said with a sweet smile.
There was a loud thud as my foot connected with his shin. "Oww!"
"I went easy on you." I pat his head with a little smirk and ran off to get ready.
"Don't be such a tsundere," I heard his voice say from the other room.
"Shut up."
Ten minutes later, I was running out the door wearing a black backpack and carrying a (f/c) tote bag, Saki hovering overhead. By the time I got to the station, I barely had a few minutes, and when I found the train I was supposed to board, a plain, monotone voice was playing from the speakers, saying that no more passengers could board the train. It was a good thing I didn't have to get my luggage checked or else I wouldn't have even seen the train.
"Crap!" I shouted, forgetting that I was still surrounded by people.
On the train I saw pink and I realized it was Natsu, turning to see the source of the shouting.
That boring voice sounded from the speakers again, saying that the doors were now closing.
The doors of the train were pretty darn slow. They didn't look like they were moving, but I could tell that they were.
"(Y/N), grab my hand!" Natsu said, holding it out.
My face was slightly warm as I took it, and Natsu yanked me in, the doors almost crushing one of my feet. Natsu's arms wrapped around me as my body crashed into his, causing Natsu to hit into the wall.
"I thought I was gonna-" I stopped when I looked up into Natsu's eyes and saw they were burning with...affection? Adoration?
Heh, as if. Being this close to him was starting to make me nervous.
I averted my eyes and realized the train was moving. Natsu still looked fine to me. "Hey, it looks like the train isn't making you sick-" 'Oh', I thought as Natsu's face went green, sweat dropping. 'Maybe I shouldn't have said that.'
He let go of me and ran to his seat, his hand over his mouth.
I followed him and sat down next to Lucy, and we got deep into a conversation about what new characters might appear in Once Upon a Time and Lucy was gushing on about how hot Captain Hook was. Even I had to admit that he was handsome.
"But I'll be so upset if Neil comes back because Captain Swan is so-" I was interrupted by groaning. I looked across from me and Natsu was getting greener by the second, slumped against a window. It was surprising that the window looked pretty clean.
Lucy sweat dropped, and I was surprised when she grinned.
"(Y/N), I think you should sit by Natsu."
"It would make him happy and help him to feel better."
I was confused but I shrugged. "Okay," I said, plopping down next to him.
Lucy's grin got wider, her chocolate eyes sparkling like a fangirl. "He likes it when someone puts their arm around him."
"But I've never seen anyone do that to him."
"Just do it."
I hesitated, feeling awkward. But I did as she said, putting an arm around his shoulders and pulling him close.
A few minutes later, I was surprised to see that his face was now just pale. He was still quiet, though. I guess he really did like people to be close to him.
Erza smiled knowingly at us as she sat down next to Lucy, the two of them exchanging looks. They were clearly keeping something from me, and I tried to just let it go before it could start bothering me.
The seat must have been broken or something because I noticed that it was rocking a bit, and I withdrew my arm and wrung my fingers, staring down at them absentmindedly. I was starting to feel sick myself. I heard another groan and I looked up to see that Natsu's face was turning green again. I bet he would vomit any minute now.
There was a sigh. "Let's just put this poor guy out of his misery."
Before I could say anything, Erza whacked Natsu over the head with her arm, knocking him out. All I could do was watch in shock, and I could almost feel the blue lines appearing on my head.
The next few minutes past by in silence. I couldn't stand the rocking of the seat anymore so I got up and drifted over to a sleeping Gray. I was so...bored. My mind drifted to Aelburn. What was it like there now? What had happened to my former home, that I was honestly having a hard time picturing? Did Shuroko's family...know? About what happened to her, that is. I tried to picture how she would look at the age of 19. How long has it been, now? I couldn't even remember. For ages I had lost track of time.
If I hadn't been so caught up in my thoughts, I would have heard the footsteps.
There was a metal clanking sound as I felt something cold and hard being pressed to the side of my head.
"Don't move or I'll blow your brains out," said a masculine voice.
I breathed in sharply. I could smell the disgusting scent of alcohol that he reeked of.
"Hmph. You've got a lot to learn, brat," you said calmly, looking sideways at him with a smirk.
"Huh?!" He sneered, jabbing that bloody thing further against my head, if that was possible.
I held out a hand, inspecting my nails for basically no reason. "Seems like you could use some beauty tips for that face of yours, you damn old geezer."
"I'm not playing, bitch." His already crinkled up face was contorted even more, giving him a delinquent look. Then it hardened into a smile that made him look like he was constipated. Really? "I guess it wouldn't hurt to kill one hostage."
"(Y/N)!" Lucy shouted, looking at the gun in panic and away from the man in black grabbing her arm, which she was trying to yank away.
"Why are you just standing there?!" Came Erza's voice.
I felt someone try to move me out of the way and I realized it was Gray. I shoved him out of the way just as a shot was fired, and the bullet hit my temple with a bang.
I fell, the impact sending a shock down my bones.
"(Y/N!) No!" Lucy struggled fiercly against the guy grabbing her, kicking him where the sun doesn't shine.
The guy who had fired just laughed. "This is what happens when you mess with your superiors!"
"Gotcha." I grinned, getting up and grabbing the bastard's neck. It was sweaty. Gross. "What did you just say about superiors?"
"Y-you're not bleeding!" He choked out, staring at me in terror.
"Maybe if you did a little bit of research on the passengers boarding this train, you would understand. But I guess it didn't cross that ancient shitbag mind of yours. If you have one."
He opened his mouth to speak, but he seemed to be finding it difficult, his mustachio quivering.
How dare he almost shoot Gray. There was a deafening crack as my forehead bashed into his skull. I threw his limp body to the ground, earning another thud. I kicked his gun away, making my right leg hard as daimond before crushing the blasted thing beneath my foot, one last bullet shooting out and leaving a small hole in the side of the train. "Oops."
I looked up, wondering why it was so quiet and saw everyone staring at me.
"What?" I asked innocently. "Never heard of a Ground Dragon Slayer having a skull hard as rocks?"
Then two more guys came charging at me when I had my back turned to them, grumbling about how the floor was slippery. I dodged them smoothly, honestly feeling a bit disappointed that I didn't have a stronger opponent.
One grabbed my shoulders and slammed me into a wall.
I stared at up at the two suit-clad men, annoyed and bored.
"Where are your manners, boys? Ganging up on a lady, honestly."
"Shut up, bitch!" The other snapped, slamming my head into it as well with another loud bang.
"Tsk, tsk. You should learn from others' mistakes," I said, waggling a finger annoyingly. My head only hurt a little.
I moved it away from the now dented wall.
Several more men came into the room, which had been pretty spacey before they intruded. We got lucky with the seats, I guess, since my friends and I were the only ones in this car.
The two men before me threw more punches. I blocked them, wondering, why couldn't I have tougher opponents that were a little more interesting? I dove between them, leaping into the air and grabbing onto those thingies that people held onto when there were no more seats and they had to stand up. I swung myself off and landed on one man's shoulders, grabbing onto his shiny bald head as I pummeled it.
The man grunted in pain, trying to shake me off.
When he was thrashing about, he accidentally punched one of the other men. I granted his wish, jumping off of him and giving him one final blow to the face, this time with my hand as hard as stone.
He fell to the floor, as did his feeble partner.
Lucy and Erza must have run off to check the other cars, because me and Gray were the only ones.
"(Y/N), stop playing around!" He said, looking back at me while readying another ice attack.
I smirked. "You got me." With a wave of my hand, large rocks flew at men who I had already trapped before with vines. Poor things. They couldn't even scream; they had vines covering their mouths.
All of the men who had poured in one after the other with their foul stenches had been defeated. Okay, it hadn't been too many. I exaggerated.
Then there was a loud thud, and another guy was walking toward us, his outfit different from the rest, with a grey suit instead. The air around him seemed to be different as well. A wizard, eh? Finally, someone at least a little interesting.
"I see you really are strong after all," the man said, putting a cigarette in his mouth.
Gray and I stood side by side.
"Please, anyone could defeat those shitbags. I think you're being a little too generous, saying that after we merely had to crush ants," I said with a shrug.
Gray smirked.
The man's eyes narrowed. "How very modest of you."
Gray looked at me. "Can I leave him to you while I check the other cars?"
"Sure, I've been wanting to let loose some of my magic."
"Cool." We bumped fists and he exited the car.
"So, why don't we skip the fancy shit and get right to it?" I said calmly.
"Of course." He walked over to Natsu, who was still slumped over unconscious. Just how hard had Erza hit him? I tensed up, alarmed. "But first we should get rid of anything...unnecessary that takes up space." He lifted a gun to Natsu's head.
"St...stay away from him, you bastard!" I snapped, my calm demeanor gone, replaced with a furious one.
"Oh? You seemed so bored just a second ago. Why the sudden change of heart?" He smirked, dodging.
Vines lashed at him, causing him to miss Natsu when he pull the trigger of what I think was a pistol.
I towered over him, my mouth curled in a snarl. I was tearing up, the way I often did when I got angry. Gosh, I hate that about myself.
".... You can do what you want to me, but since you tried to hurt my nakama, you'll pay."
He looked up from the ground, and when he did, that shit eating smile was wiped off his face. I couldn't understand why, but his face was full of fear as he looked at me, completely different just a moment ago. My anger slightly faltered as I was puzzled.
He took the opportunity to fire a shot at my face (still rock hard). But before he could try to shoot again I smacked the gun from his hand, and he backed into a corner, cowering in fear. He slowly rose a shaking arm to point at my face.
"Y-your eyes! Don't come near me, you demon!"
I froze. What was he talking about?
He started to...cry?
"P-please don't hurt me! I'm begging you! What are you?!"
I slowly raised a hand to my one of my eyes. "...What nonsense are you talking about?"
I bound the cowering guy with my magic and took out a pair of black sunglasses from my tote bag. I didn't want to have to listen to what he had to say about them, but just in case there was something wrong with my eyes - I doubted it - I didn't want anyone else to see. After that, I finished off the guys that were in the car he came from and one other. I couldn't get what that man said out of my head, but when I tried to look at my reflection in the window, it didn't help. And he had magic. Why didn't he at least try to fight back? What did he see?
I walked into the driver's thingy and saw someone in a black cloak, holding a knife to the shaking driver's head, while muttering something. They were clearly the reason the train was going in a different direction than Aelburn.
The cloaked figure turned to look at me, and darted out of the room. I couldn't even see the face. "Hey, wait!" I chased after them, but the person opened a window and jumped out, landing on their feet and dashing away. Were they crazy?! They could have been killed!
I walked back to the driver, a bit tired, and pat his shoulder, assuring him that he was safe now. The man thanked me over and over, while keeping an eye on the tracks and trying to calm down.
But then I noticed something. There was a letter taped onto the wall, and it had my name on it.
"Um, excuse me sir, but what is this letter?"
He replied, saying that the letter must have been put there by those hijackers.
I took it and opened it up, ripping it as I did so. That always happened.

You must be wondering why this all happened. I hacked into the security cameras and you can be sure I watched your every move; I was testing you. I know what you are and I'm telling you now, don't go to Aelburn. I have a bad feeling about it. And do not give in to the voices. I'll be keeping an eye on you. Don't repeat history, or you'll lose yourself.

I snorted. Seems like someone is a bit cray cray.

I was stupid not to listen. If I had, maybe things wouldn't have turned out the way they did.

A/N: Sooo.... I'm sorry I'm so unreliable. Old habits die hard, I guess. And I lose motivation as quickly as I gain it. That doesn't apply to just writing, but other things as well, like drawing. I had actually meant to post this a while ago, but I went back to Azkaban - er, I mean school (which sucks so far and is boring af) yesterday, and a few days before that, I was really busy. I would've published it anyway if there weren't a few things I didn't still need to switch around. And you can expect another chapter to come out tomorrow or the day after. Don't worry, even though I've come to be so unreliable, as I've said before, I already wrote the next chapter. It's pretty short, but I ended it at what I felt was a good place. I just need to fix a thing or two before I publish it. I hope those who have started school like their classes/schedule, and good luck to those who are gonna start soon (I think there are still people who haven't). Please vote, comment, add this story to your library if you like it. You can follow me, I don't come on Wattpad too often but I'm always logged in and Ill eventually follow you back. Pm me if you want :3 I'm a slow replier but still. Also, I may have missed some comments but I try to read them all, I really enjoy reading them. And I plan to edit things, since not only do I feel I've written things quite poorly, but I'm sure there have been times where I didn't give an explanation for something that didn't make sense, or the explanation was just crappy. Like how (Y/N) and Saki had the money to eat at a restaurant when they first came to Magnolia (I'll fix that soon). I apologize for any mistakes. Bye~ x3
Dammit, the A/N is long again...

Light in the Dark (Natsu x Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now