Chapter XXXI

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The shock on (Y/N)s face was very visible, her eyes wide as she quickly pulled her blanket over her legs to somehow hide her injury, despite the fact that Lucifer already saw it. His expression was one of shock as well, his frown twitching when Lucifer was trying to understand what was going on. "Did... Did Alastor hurt you?", he asked with venom in his voice as Lucifer shut the door behind him and stepped closer. (Y/N) shook her head, but Lucifer didn't believe her. "Is that why you are avoiding everyone?", Lucifers tone was much more firm, and he took another step forward. "N-no! I- I just-", the Sinner was stuttering, tears building up in her eyes again as she tried to move away from the King of hell as far as possible without leaving her bed. The aggression towards Alastor in his voice made her even more unsure and scared than before.

"Then why the hell was he here? I can see you were crying.", Lucifer growled as he finally reached the queen sized bed, bending down a bit to get closer without having to climb into her bed. "H-he- Alastor is helping me...", (Y/N) tried to hold her tears back. Sure, she had seen Lucifer angry many times, mostly because of her, but this time was a little different. She didn't do anything wrong and still, he was so damn angry at her for talking to Alastor instead of him. Why did he care for her all of a sudden? After all, for all she knew Lucifer had Serena now. The thought alone had her boiling and the anger pushed away her fear and insecurity a bit. "(Y/N), listen to me. You don't take shit from Demons. He is using you. Whatever help he gives you, he want's something in return, don't you understand? Stupid girl..."

"Oh, and you weren't using me? Why do you have to care all of a sudden when you straight up ignored me for almost a week?!" – "You could have talked to me at all times. You were the one to lock yourself away.", Lucifer spoke dryly and crossed his arms. A single tear rolled down (Y/N)s cheek when she glared up at Lucifer, her hands gripping the blanket tightly. "Of course I did after what you said to Serena!", (Y/N) raised her voice. What he said to Serena? Lucifer didn't remember saying anything wrong when being with Serena when he healed her. What was (Y/N) implying? "And what do you mean by that?", he asked and straightened his back again, his gaze full of confusion and anger.

"You said you loved her. First you spend a night next to me, making me feel like you actually enjoy my company and then you cast me aside for someone you just met... How else was I supposed to react???" Lucifers chest tightened painfully. He had never... "Listen, I never said-" – "You know goddamn well you did. I heard you!" The fallen angel was baffled and tried to explain himself. "(Y/N), just-" – "No Lucifer! I'm done!" Why did (Y/N) automatically assume he was talking to Serena? Was she... jealous? No, that couldn't be it. Sure, he had met a few mortals on earth who would have been up for getting nailed by him, but she seemed nothing like those. She was a Sinner down in hell, she had seen a few of his bad sides and knew how horrible he could be to her. He wasn't proud of how he treated her, but her reaction also wasn't very called for. "My god, (Y/N)! Would you please shut up and listen to me?!", Lucifer raised his voice as well. (Y/N) looked at Lucifer, taken back when he suddenly got so loud. She fell silent and just glared up at him. "I've never told Serena that I loved her! She's a Cannibal, I ain't up for that much degeneration! The thing you probably heard was me talking to Charlie! Now would you finally stop assuming things and tell me what Alastor was doing here?! I'm sure he wasn't here to just 'help' you"

Lucifer huffed angrily, demanding an answer. He did not like the Radio Demon, much less trust him. (Y/N) teared up, her tears rolling down her cheeks. "I- I'm sorry... I just- H-he said... A-Alastor told me that- that you spend all your time with her and- and that you two were-", she broke off and buried her face in her hands as fragile sobs escaped her lips. So that bastard had been lying to her to get an advantage over her. But what could he possibly want from her? (Y/N) wasn't powerful, she didn't have any influence, so what good would it do for Alastor to own her soul? Unless...

"Please tell me you didn't make a deal with him.", the fallen angels voice was softer again and he decided to comfort her rather than scolding her further. He climbed onto her bed and crawled closer until he was sitting next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. (Y/N) shook her head, but she had hesitated. Something wasn't right with the energy surrounding her. "Come here, I didn't mean to yell... Alastor... He isn't a good person, he's a deal maker, a trickster. Whatever you do, if you make a deal with him, even if it's just a favor, he will make sure you break your end of the deal to own you... And that way he could use you for whatever he wants... I just don't want you to get hurt...", Lucifer whispered and hugged her closer. "B-but I did get hurt... And you simply ignored all that for Serena..."

"I didn't mean to, I didn't see your wound and- I- I thought you were doing okay... I'm... I'm sorry, (Y/N)." Finally, (Y/N) broke down sobbing and turned to Lucifer to hug him closer. Her whole body was shaking, and she buried her face in the crook of his neck, sobbing and crying loudly. The fallen angel wrapped his arms around her, leaning against the broken bedframe to hold her comfortably. "Hey, everything is alright. I can heal you right now if that would help... I'm sorry for not noticing anything... I'm sorry for not being there for you.. Can I-?" Lucifer gently pulled the blanket away, the Sinner didn't stop him. Her right leg was revealed, showing the deep gashes almost as deep as her bones. "Oh fuck... How were you even able to walk? No, that doesn't matter right now... Let me take care of you..."

Lucifer scooted over and took her leg in his hands, examining the wound carefully. Her whole leg was swollen, the partly intact skin around the injury red and veiny and her leg almost looking like it's rotting from not getting enough blood. Fuck, this was really bad. Hopefully he could help her, but this would definitely leave a mark. Lucifer gathered his magic in his hands as a golden and heavenly glow surrounded him and her leg. A tingling but not unpleasant sensation spread in her whole leg, making the Sinner lean back and relax a bit. "Try holding still, okay? I don't want to hurt you any further, dear", he kept concentrating, trying to heal her as good as he could. He had been exhausted after taking care of Serenas wounds for the past week, but he would give it his all. After all, it was his fault she had gotten hurt. His heart ached at the thought of her dealing with this on her own and getting so desperate that she even turned to Alastor for help instead of him. Maybe she really was jealous, but probably only of the attention he had given Serena.

(Y/N) was still crying, but the feeling of his magic surrounding her was pleasant, almost having her in a trance. The tears stopped flowing and the pain Alastor couldn't get rid of until now was finally gone. When she looked down to Lucifer and her leg, she saw how her muscle strings regrew and reconnected, just like the partly ripped open veins. It had been a miracle that she didn't die back there, but maybe that was because her plant magic from her blood had stopped the bleeding. Even the swelling was slowly but steadily going back, her skin returning to a slightly more normal color, just like her foot that had started rotting.

"Thank you Lucifer... I- I wanted to tell you something... I've had it on my mind for quite some time now.."


Finally our dearest writer is back after taking some time off. She is doing better, but the next chapters might still need a little longer than usual, though we can't be sure for now. Have a good day :D

Writing: Moon

Inspiration: Polaris

Simping: Us both

Story advisor: Raven

Word count: 1471

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