Chapter XXXII

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"Thank you Lucifer... I- I wanted to tell you something... I've had it on my mind for quite some time now.."

"What did you want to tell me?", the fallen angel asked, his heart beating faster as he let go of her leg and crawled closer to her again. "I just... How do I say this...?" – "Probably with words.", Lucifer commented with a giggle and sat down beside her again. "Come on dear, I'm not that scary, am I? I won't rip off your head, no matter what you're gonna say." (Y/N) pulled her legs closer to her chest, hugging them as she looked up at Lucifer with her eyes full of sorrow and fear. "I- I just- I wanted to say that I... I love-", she was cut off by a loud knock on the door, followed by Angel Dusts loud voice: "Hey, you in there? Wanted to check up on ya! Can I come in?" The small Sinners eyes widened when she looked towards the door and back at Lucifer. "Y-yeah, I'm good! Thanks!", (Y/N) yelled so he could hear her through the door.

Lucifer starred at her in confusion as she stood up and walked over to her door to open it. Angel Dust was standing there, worry all over his face as he stepped inside, spotting Lucifer on the bed. "Oh, you finally talked! I didn't interrupt you, did I?", the spider asked and gave them two a funny look. "No! No! No!", the two others quickly said in unison, shaking their heads violently. "You sure?", Angel giggles and leans down to the small Sinner, having her blush in embarrassment. "A-angel please", (Y/N) mumbled and didn't even dare to look back at Lucifer in shame. "Oh come on toots! I'm sure you'd wanna know how the short king is in bed~" (Y/N)s shameful expression fell, and she turned to face Lucifer. "Lucifer...", "Yeah?", he asked and sat up straight on her bed. "Hand me a pillow." – "With pleasure", the fallen angel chuckled while Angel Dust took a playful step back. "Woah! Hey, I was just joking, you're not gonna-". A pillow hit the spider demon in the face and (Y/N) grinned up at him, before he spoke. "Oh, so this is how we are gonna play?"

Anarchy. The pillow fight started, everyone fending for themselves. At first it was just (Y/N) against Angel Dust, but when a pillow had hit Lucifer in the face and both Sinners turned to him in shock, and fear about his reaction, he got off the bed slowly, dusting off his coat before grabbing a pillow as well. "You are gonna regret that..." Lucifer joined the fight, but Angel had a clear advantage due to his many arms. But not for long. While (Y/N) didn't know about this ability, Angel Dust seemed to have forgotten that Lucifer could create clones of himself and that's exactly what he did. Three of them appeared at the same time, newly created pillows in their hands as well as they joined the fight.

(Y/N) laughed loudly when Lucifer walked towards her, the pillow in both their hands ready to strike. Lucifer was much faster and agile, avoiding her pillow and bashing his into her face three times in a row, before she stumbled backwards and fell on her backside. The fallen Angel took little Mercy on her and got over her, keeping up his pillow attacks. Once she let go of her own pillow from laughter, Lucifer grabbed and threw it over to one of his clones that was fighting against Angel Dust with the two others. "Lucifer! H-have mercy", the short Sinner started laughing again, trying to stop the pillow with her hands. He simply shook his head and sat down on her hips to keep hitting her with his pillow when (Y/N) called out to his clones all of a sudden. "You can't have yourself hitting a fragile girl like me with a pillow. Pleeeaaase", she begs, making one of the copies turn their heads to her. "Do I really deserve to be handled so mercilessly?", she puts on a sad face and Lucifer doesn't even pay attention to his clones, when suddenly a pillow hits him as well. The hell? Did she really get his clones against him by her little act. Apparently, because the clone smacked the original with a pillow again, grinning like he just won the lottery.

Now that Lucifer was fighting his own copies, not remembering that he could simply have them disappear, Angel grabbed his pillow and throws it into (Y/N)s face as well. The short Sinner quickly got up again, only to be grabbed by angel and have her face pressed into a pillow before he decided to sweep her legs under her to get her back to the floor. Only once she was on the floor, Angel noticed something on her right leg. Deep gashes that seemed to be slightly swollen. Fuck, when did that happen? Angel Dust immediately stopped his pillow attack and crouched down to grab her foot to take a better look. (Y/N) froze for a moment. "How did this happen..? Did this happen at Lulu World...? How-" – "I-it's fine. Lucifer is healing it at the time. No worries", the short woman replied and pulled her leg away. Lucifer seemed to have noticed the shift in the atmosphere too, he turned to them and looked at Angel reassuringly as he let his pillow drop. His clones disappeared and Lucifer stepped closer. "She is doing better by now. Don't worry, I'm taking care of her."

The next day, Lucifer knocked on (Y/N)s door again, ready for their next healing session. The door opened and (Y/N) seemed to be very disheveled, her hair was a mess and her clothes wrinkly. "You doing okay?", he asked, and she meekly nodded, a flush on her face. "Your wounds didn't swell again and caused a fever, did they?" (Y/N) shook her head and let him in. Little did he know that he had been a bit too early for the small Sinner. She couldn't stop herself from what she had done until Lucifer had ripped out of her own little world. All her thoughts had surrounded Lucifer and his for her newly discovered power to create clones of himself. Oh how much she craved for him and his clones to hold her down, use her mouth and her pussy as their plaything while praising her or call her dirty names. She had wondered how Lucifer would use her if he wanted and she knew she would let him, one word would be enough and she'd melt in his hands

Lucifer stepped inside with a smile, sitting down with (Y/N) on her bed, before taking her leg on his lap to start the healing, his heart racing when he saw something next to him, poorly hidden under the blanket. It seemed to have been put there in a hurry, but he could clearly see the outlines of a small Dildo, the mattress still warm from before (Y/N) had gotten up. His face flushed slightly and Lucifer immediately felt his cock getting hard from merely the thought of her using the toy. Fuck, he wanted to sink his cock inside her waiting hole so badly, show her how much pleasure a real cock could give her, how much pleasure he could give her.

"Ready to start, darling?"


Finally the next chapter. We hope you enjoyed it and we really appreciate your comments. They are a good part of the reasons we keep writing. Thank you! :D

Writing: Moon

Inspiration: Polaris

Simping: Us both

Word count: 1270

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