Chapter XXXIV

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When Lucifer left, it was like a stab to her heart. Did she do something wrong? Was he disappointed by her flat chest? He had said that this was a mistake... Was it all just another lie? (Y/N) felt like she was gonna cry as she pulled her dress back to normal. Her mind started to spiral down, and she pulled on her hair while walking around her room, trying to ground herself in some way, but it was too late. Tears rolled down her cheeks as sobs escaped her quivering lips. Of course he didn't want her! How could she have been so stupid?! Her whole body was shaking, and the Sinner kicked against her already broken bedpost, only hurting herself further, though on accident. A hiss escaped her lips, and she held her foot in pain when she sat down on her bed again. The Sinner glanced over to her nightstand where she had usually hidden her razor blades and she was about to grab for them, when she remembered her deal with Alastor. If she hurt herself on purpose, her soul would be his... (Y/N) wanted to scream, yell out how much she hated herself and Lucifer at the moment, but her mouth was completely dry, only a hoarse groan escaping her lips when she got up. She needed someone to talk to... Fast.

Angel Dust groaned when someone knocked on his door. He had just returned from a long shoot with Valentino and was not up for any sort of interaction right now. Still, he stood up and walked over to the door, opening it when he saw (Y/N). "Fuck, doll, what happened?!", he quickly pushed her inside and closed the door behind them before sitting her down on the bed next to him. The small Sinner was completely disheveled and her face puffy from crying. The spider demon put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, waiting for when she was ready to talk.

"I- I'm sorry for barging in here- I-", a sob escaped her lips. "I didn't know who else I could talk to..." (Y/N) buried her face in her hands, wiping away a tear that was rolling down her cheek. "It's fine! No worries, I'm here for ya", Angel replied and began rubbing her back soothingly. "Lucifer and I... We made out and it- it was going good a-and all, but..." The spider demon immediately started to frown when she spoke about Lucifer. Had he hurt her? Pushed her? Made her feel bad about her body? He kept those thoughts to himself now and just kept listening. "L-lucifer, he suddenly got up and- he- he..." More tears ran down her already puffy face. "He said it was a mistake and j-just left..."

"He did WHAT?!", Angel yelled and quickly toned down again, not wanting to frighten his friend. "'m sorry... Did he say anything else? Any reason?" (Y/N) shook her head and Angel immediately took her in his arms. "'m sure you didn't do anything wrong. He's just a prick." A few more sobs left (Y/N)s mouth and she held onto Angel tightly. Maybe Lucifer had just gotten cold feet? Maybe he was scared to hurt her? But then why didn't he say anything? When (Y/N) had calmed down a bit, Angel spoke again: "Ya know, I could make sure he regrets it, toots. I could cut-" – "No! No... I... I want to talk to him first... A-and if he still acts like this t-then maybe I'll let you cut off his balls or whatever... Maybe he didn't mean to and had a good reason?", the short Sinner replied and wiped off her tears, finally looking back up at Angel Dust. "If ya say so. But most guys aren't like that. They just take what they want. 'm really glad he stopped so soon tho... It's better than him giving you his dick and then telling you it was a mistake afterwards."

Lucifer was pacing through his workshop in his palace. Why the fuck did he just leave?! She had been all he could think of for some time now and when he had her presented on a silver tablet, willing to be with him, he had just left and said it was a mistake. Yes, it was a mistake. It was a mistake he just left and dipped out. Stupid Lucifer. He grabbed a rubber duck and threw it against one of the paintings with just him and Lilith. Lucifer walked up to the painting, pointing at it while yelling. "Why do you keep doing this to me?! Why does your Siren voice still have me in its God damn grip?! I just want to move on! It's been 8 years since you left and still you can't let me go! I can't let you go!". With a huff, he turned away from it. He felt like the paintings were watching and judging him. "Ishould apologize to (Y/N)... She deserves better..."

The king of hell walked to his chambers, laying down in his bed and starring at the ceiling. He had to rest first and keep thinking about what he was gonna say. Surely she was mad. Lilith would have been furious if she had been in his little Sinners place. Lilith and him, had a lot of argument before Charlie was born. When his little princess had been born, everything was back to before. For a while... But when Charlie had turned 5 years old, about 200 years ago, things went downhill again. The fights started again. and Lilith kept his little girl away from him. Lucifer didn't know what his now ex wife had told their daughter, but it hadn't been good things. Otherwise Charlie and him wouldn't have to fix their relationship now.

His thoughts surrounding his daughter and the short Sinner, Lucifer finally fell into a restless slumber...





We just befriended a bartender! Won a few shots, lost a few so far, but ey, what can we say against free drinks? In any case: Hopefully you enjoyed it, despite us being a bit late :)

Writing: Moon

Inspiration: Polaris

Simping: Us both

Word count: 1024

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