you almost break up

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You sat on your couch, head in your hands as you let the tears fall from your eyes. It had been a hard couple of weeks. Especially for you and Sana. You two had been fighting non-stop, even when she was out in other countries for promotions and concerts. It had gotten too much. Too much for you to handle atop of your own troubles.

You had texted Sana to come over, as you had something important to talk to her about. You had put much thought into this decision, and you assumed she might feel the same.

Suddenly, you heard a knock on the front door. Getting up from your spot, you wiped your tears as best you could and sniffled, twisting the doorknob slowly.

"Hey-" Sana said the moment you opened the door, but she noticed rather quickly how puffy your eyes were and how sad you appeared. You moved aside to let her in and without looking at her, you walked past her to the same spot on the couch. Sana tilted her head in confusion, but deep down she knew from the way her heart twisted and the way her nerves started to run high, that what was about to happen was not going to be good.

She sat down, leaving a more than normal amount of space between the both of you. Sana turned towards you, swallowing nervously. "Uh, so what did you have to talk to me about?" She wanted you to say something else because she knew what you were about to say. She knew it was inevitable.

You sniffled once more, clearing your throat, trying not to let the tears slip again. "Us. The past weeks. Everything going on The fights-" Sana looked away from you, finally hearing those words she tried so hard not to think about. You saw her change in demeanor, but you pushed it aside for now. "These fights, Sana. It's not healthy, and it's not us. You know it. I-I know you know I do too..." You couldn't bare to look at her as you said your next words. "And that's why it's so hard for me to say this," your voice cracked at this, realizing now after saying it aloud what was about to happen, "We're not good anymore. W-we shouldn't be together anymore."

Sana already felt the tears the moment she stepped foot into your apartment. Your words only pushed them to fall.

"I don't want to break up! It's just-" You managed to get out, despite your cries. "No. You don't get to say that. If you didn't want to, we wouldn't even be having this conversation in the first place!" Sana interrupted, fully standing up at this point. You got up as well, matching her position. You opened your mouth to speak again before she shut you up once more, "You don't get to make this decision for me! Who says we aren't supposed to be together?'t just-" She began to fall apart now. The sight of her shaking, letting her tears fall quickly, only made you feel worse.

You moved a little closer. "Sana-" She moved away. "Sana, please. These arguments, they keep getting worse! We can't even apologize before we get right into another one! It's as if they never happened, and it so obviously did. I-It hurts me, Sana. I just want things to go back to how they were."

Your fights with Sana had ranged from the smallest things, all the way to huge ones where you two wouldn't even talk for a couple of days. It was making you tired. You just wanted to come home and feel loved, which you had stopped feeling for a while now since.

"I love you, Sana, I feel like I always will, but I'm not feeling loved how I used to..."

Sana couldn't look you in the eyes. She knew you were right. She knew these arguments were getting out of hand and the distance between you both was increasing rather quickly. But she couldn't let you go. She couldn't just not fight for you. She loves you, even when she knows she hasn't been showing it.

Sana finally urged the strength to look at you after moments of silence. "Y/N, you're right...our fights, they're not us. I-I'm sorry I hadn't communicated better between us. The stress from work gets to me and my temper runs short at the end of the day. I know it's no excuse, still, but I don't want us to end. I still love you. I always will, no matter what you say. I need you, baby."

You hadn't expected her to stand up for your relationship. You thought she wanted the same as you. Even so, you wanted validation that this break up was possibly the right thing to do for both of you guys.

Thoughts ran through your mind a hundred miles per second. You had to sit back down to process everything. Sana sniffled and sat next to you, even closer now, but still not touching you to make you uncomfortable. She was willing to do anything, as long as you stayed with her.

"I'm sorry for everything I've said in our fights, I shouldn't have progressed them. I should've talked to you through them and explained myself from the start. If you told me sooner how you felt, I promise I wouldn't have gotten upset. I care for you so much, my love. What can I do to save us? Tell me and I will do it! I can take a break from work for a bit. I'll spend all of it with you-" Sana exclaimed, starting to let out all her emotions.

You interrupted her, not wanting her to continue. "Sana, slow down. I-I thought you wanted to break up. You've hinted so many times that we shouldn't be together..." Sana's eyes widened with shock. "What? When did I do that?" You sighed, "After a fight the other night. You stayed over and I heard you on the phone with Momo when you thought I was asleep. You said you couldn't do this anymore, that you wanted to end it for good."

Sana scoffed and let out an exhale of relief. "That? Yeah, I said it, but it wasn't about our relationship! I wanted these fights to end, not us. I couldn't handle hurting you anymore, so I called her to give me advice." She scooted closer and gently laid her hand on yours that rested in your lap. "Y/N, I promise you I don't want to break up. Everything's been making me lose my temper recently. Work is just stressful at the moment, and I know I shouldn't have let it out on you."

You looked down at her caressing the back of your hand. You wanted to believe her, but you couldn't. At least until she shows it.

"You've disregarded me too. I really, really was looking forward to spending nights with you, but it just ends up with us yelling at each other and you leaving." Sana tensed at her actions. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have. I'm willing to fix this. Let me prove it," she closed the space between you two by slowly placing her hand on your waist. She lifted your head up by your chin and looked into your eyes. "I love you."

You took a deep breath amongst your close proximity. You stared into her eyes and searched to see if she was being genuine, and she was. Her eyes were soft and you could tell by her expression that she was worried, but she hid it with a smile.

"I love you too..."

A weight was lifted off of both of your shoulders as she started to smile brighter, moving swiftly to wrap her arms around you. It took you a second until you returned the gesture, tightening your arms around her neck after. Sana wiped her eyes, not worrying about her makeup being smudged.

"I promise we will work. No more arguing," she mumbled into your hair. You nodded, "I'm sorry for not communicating better, I didn't want to stress you out even more with my troubles. I want to stay together too." She shook her head and lifted her head slightly off of you. "Don't be sorry. This isn't your fault. You really scared me though..." You finally smiled and looked at her lips before back to her eyes. "It wasn't my intention to."

Sana stared at you with love in her eyes before leaning in, feeling her lips on top of yours. You hesitated a little and you could tell she did too, but eventually you connected your lips and shared a slow, passionate kiss, emotions running wild throughout.

Your relationship had been saved and despite being so close to breaking up, you found each other again through it all.

TWICE Sana Imagines (fem yn x sana)Where stories live. Discover now