☾Chapter 4: Bittercold☽

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(Y/n) arrived to her dorm and ran to her nightstand where the pile of papers were. She hastily popped open a pen and scribbled her information down on the papers.

"Done! Now, off to the Headmaster's office to return these to him.." she muttered as she straightened the papers and left her room. (Y/n) looked at a nearby clock when walking down the corridors of the Sun Dormitory and saw it was past curfew.

"Hopefully Zero or Yuki will understand that I needed to turn in these papers to the Headmaster!" (Y/n) thought. She quickened her pace, but then she saw two girls sneaking to take pictures of the Night Class.

"Zero and Yuki need to know about this! But where are they?!" thought (Y/n).

"Hey! I'm pretty sure you aren't suppose to do that!" called (Y/n).

The two girls jumped and the girl with the camera said, "But you're not apart of the Disciplinary Commitee, so don't tell us what we can't or can do."

"Why you!!!" fumed (Y/n).

(Y/n) accidentally cut her finger from the stack of papers as she waved the papers at them in anger.

The girls then gasped, "Oh my god! Is that Aido?!??"

(Y/n) turned around and saw Aido with a light-orange messy haired boy with his white uniform unbuttoned.

"Isn't that Akatsuki? Wasn't his nickname like The 'Wild' or something or did I just heard wrong?" thought (Y/n) as she made eye contact with his dark orange eyes. Akatsuki has a darker skin tone than the others in the Night Class and was quite tall. He also wore a silver earring on his left ear.

"He looks wild, but doesn't act wild like Aido," as (Y/n) thought to herself, looking at Akatsuki.

Aido cooed, "Aww, (Y/n)-chan why are you looking at Akatsuki and not me?"

(Y/n) retorted, "Was not! And why are you here anyways!"

Aido leers, "I smelled blood - delicious... blood. Is it your blood (Y/n)-chan?" (Y/n) felt dubious of the way he said that...

"It was just a small papercut," scoffed a weirded out (Y/n) and decided to walk way.

Aido grabbed her hand that had the papercut on her finger and whispered lovingly, "Who would have known a small little wound has such a tasteful aroma..."

The papercut had blood trickling out.

"Uh.. A-Aido? W-What are you-?!!" (Y/n) stammered.

Aido's eyes suddenly had an animalistic gaze and hungrily licked her finger then her papercut slowly with his tongue, not letting a single blood drop.

(Y/n) cringed, "A-Aido! S-Snap out of it!!"

The two girls squealed and fangirled so hard that they fainted.

(Y/n) looked at Akatsuki, but Akatsuki looked away. "Okay no help... I think I have to take this into my own hands...." (Y/n) thought.

Suddenly, something pierced (Y/n)'s finger. (Y/n) yelped in surprise.

Aido smirked, "Just a few more drops of your delicious lovely blood (Y/n)-chan...."

He was sucking greedily on her finger.(Y/n) saw a glimpse of a white fang from his mouth and she had a sudden realization that he was a vampire.... She was too stunned to move.... Aido then removed his mouth from her finger and licked his lips of (Y/n)'s blood.

"I could get more of your blood from your...neck..." he breathed on the crook of her neck.

(Y/n) snapped out of her state of shock and was about to run away when out of the blue, ice appeared on her feet to the ground making her unable to run off.

"Why are you running away from your Aidoo~?" murmured Aido as his lips brushed against (Y/n)'s neck.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! W-What?!" exclaimed a voice.

Yuki came running towards them and was shocked to see Aido looming over (Y/n)'s neck. Zero was right behind Yuki and quickly loaded his handgun, the Bloody Rose.

He warned, "You filthy disgusting bloodsucker, get away from (Y/n)!!" He shot at a nearby tree as a warning shot.

Aido stopped and looked at Zero,"Ohh she was just tasty! Better than those blood tablets! What are you gonna do about it?" sing songed Aido.

"I will shoot you," answered Zero in hate.

(Y/n) looked at Aido with new profound fear, she was pale and whispered, "You're.. you're... a v-vampire..."

Aido's gaze suddenly changed to normal...

"(Y/n)-chan? Why are you looking at me like that? Wait... oh... I'm so sorry (Y/n)-chan!" apologized Aido as his face was filled of worry and regret. He approached her, but Zero had his gun ready to shoot Aido.

Aido halted and (Y/n) cried, "Get away from me you monster!"

Aido's face suddenly contorted with hurt from (Y/n)'s words..

Yuki then saw the two girls who fainted and said, "Zero? Help me get these girls to the Infirmary and we'll see to that papercut of yours, (Y/n)! We'll explain everything along the way.."

Aido was just about to apologize one more time to (Y/n) when another presence appeared: Kaname.

Kaname glared at Aido, "What have I told you about drinking human blood on school grounds, Aido Hanabusa?"

Aido stuttered, "Er, I... I am sorry your highness,"

Kaname replied coldly, "You are punished.. You too Akatsuki. Aido, please release (Y/n),"

The ice on (Y/n) foot disappeared. She stumbled backwards and looked at Aido, Akatsuki, and Kaname...

"I should have known," she whispered with tears spilling. She ran to the Infirmary by herself.

Yuki shouted, "W-Wait, (Y/n)!" Zero gave a death glare to Aido, as he put away his gun and helping Yuki carry the fainted Day Class girls to the Infirmary.

Kaname sighed, "Aido, do you know what you have just done?"

"Besides drinking her blood..? N-no sir.." Aido stammered as he bowed.

Kaname frowns in disapproval, "You have reopened an old wound in her memories and heart..."


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