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'Here's your tea.', she chirped and kept the mug on the table, before she took a seat in front of me.

I gave her a polite smile. 'Thanks Aradhya, but you didn't have to do it. I have staff for it.'

She replied with a smile, while not shifting her eyes away from the laptop. 'It's not a big deal, sir. I was in the canteen itself and I had to come here, so I got it.'

'Thanks. Anyway, getting back to work, what's the progress?', I walked across my table, taking a seat beside her.

She shifted a bit close, and pushed the laptop in the centre. 'Here. These are few of our designs which the team has shortlisted for the retail winter collections. they are more cotton and wool, and you know we have tried opting for more warm colours.'

'Hmm. They seem nice but can we try reducing the embellishments and just stick to minimal embroidery. I mean we have year long to have deep embellishments, but maybe we can try more simpler yet cosy and cute stuff for the winter ones.', I put forward my suggestion, and she scanned the designs again.

'Uh yeah. We can but the team leader was opposing it. She preferred more of fancy stuff.', she shrugged her shoulders.

'See Aradhya, here let's focus on the long run. As normal buyers, for the winters we would buy something that is cosy, fancy stuff doesn't work here, but maybe we can have a different collection for that. In all these years, as much as I have seen around, during this time of the year, people prefer more simple stuff. And fancy just doesn't mean shiny stuff right, something which feels elegant and graceful is fancy.', I explained her thoroughly.

'Yeah. You are right. Ok cool. I will talk to the team, but if the team leader shows tantrums, then I sending her to you.', she threw her arms up in the air, and I chuckled.

I gave her a thumbs up. 'Cool. I am on it.'

'Shall I ask you something?', she asked while collecting her stuff. 'Shoot.'

'What did you see in Saniya to appoint her as the team leader? She is such a pain in the ass.', she gritted her teeth and I showed her an eye.

'Language Aradhya, language. She's your senior.', I warned her, and she rolled her eyes.

'What? I am not the only one, you can ask the team. Everyone has the same views.', my head shot up. 'Is it?'

'Hn-hn.', she hummed.

'I will give a friendly advice, better replace her before you start to receive cuss words from your employees.', she giggled, and I gave her a fake smile.

'Anyway, why did you come? Isn't presenting these things to me you know Saniya's work?', I asked, and she chuckled. Sarcastic, it seems.

'It is. But Ms. team leader was too busy doing her touch-up forgetting that she had to come to you. So, the team sent me.', she replied, and my mouth hung.

Did I hear it right? 'You have got to be kidding me.'

'Uh-hun. I am not.', I face palmed myself and she giggled 'You know what, send Saniya in once you are out.'

She gave me a thumbs up. My phone pinged and I grasped it from the desk to check the message.

'You daughter?', she asked, as her eyes fell on a baby girl's pic on my wallpaper.

I looked up her, tearing away my gaze from the phone, and gave her a small nod. 'Yeah.'

'Aww. Such a cutie, she's an absolute sweetheart.', I gave her a weak smile, as she gave a flying kiss to the phone.

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