The fury of justice

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Taehyung stood there, utterly dumbfounded by the shameless display of his alpha. His initial impulse was to tell Jeongguk to get lost, but he quickly composed himself and morphed his expression into one of shy innocence. He is still in the club and should act accordingly. 

His long lashes trembled as he lifted his eyes to steal a glance at his mate before quickly looking back down, feeling a blush creep onto his cheeks. He turned slightly to the side, his pout evident on his rosy lips, his features softening into an adorable expression.

"Don’t say something like this so lightly," Taehyung murmured softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "This omega's heart is very fragile."

Jeongguk, with his sharp hearing, caught every word. He stared at the fragile omega before him, a smirk playing on his lips as he raised a brow.

Taehyung's soft, coquettish tone is close to that of an omega girl and strikes a chord with Jeongguk. 

Despite the playful facade, there's an underlying threat beneath the surface, a warning for Jeongguk to keep his distance. Yet, Taehyung's blush remains on full display, adding a layer of complexity to his demeanor. It's this dual persona that intrigues Jeongguk, drawing him in despite the implicit warning.

Jeongguk couldn't help but chuckle at the antics of his mate. Taehyung had always possessed stunning features, inherited from his parents, but seeing him in this particular attire caused a flutter in Jeongguk's heart.

This young master had a knack for surprising him with his unique choices, and despite Jeongguk's initial intention to tease, he found himself genuinely captivated by how beautiful his mate looked. However, amidst his amusement, Jeongguk couldn't ignore the conflicting emotions swirling within him. 

He felt genuine unhappiness at seeing Taehyung in close proximity to those alphas, his blocked pheromones adding to the discomfort. Yet, simultaneously, there was an undeniable excitement at the sight of his mate in this unexpected ensemble. 

Jeongguk found himself grappling with these newfound emotions, unsure of how to navigate them. It was a new experience for him, one that left him feeling both intrigued and unsettled.

He stretches his hand to delicately tuck a lock of hair behind Taehyung’s ear, a playful glint dancing in his eyes. “So, is that a yes?” Jeongguk teases, his voice laced with amusement.

Taehyung meets his gaze with a glare, the earlier cuteness now replaced by the boldness and confidence of a beautiful omega. "Keep dreaming," he retorts, ready to turn and leave. But before he can take a step, Jeongguk's firm grip on his arm stops him in his tracks.

Leaning in close, he whispers, "I won’t stop you, but if anything happens, just call my name."

The sincerity in Jeongguk’s voice sends Taehyung's heart into a frenzy, his pulse quickening with each beat. Despite his initial hesitations, Taehyung finds himself feeling more assured by Jeongguk's simple concern, a newfound confidence stirring within him.

But Taehyung is someone who is fond of inviting troubles and thus he motions for Jeongguk to lean closer. Jeongguk complies, drawing nearer, Taehyung whispers something in his ear.

His voice takes on a deeper, more seductive tone as he asks, "How should I address you? General or perhaps Jeongguk oppa?” The last title he drags a bit, his voice sounding sultry and seductive like his appearance. A mischievous smile dances on Taehyung’s lips as he watches Jeongguk visibly shiver at the intimate address.

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