36 | in the middle of yet another squabble

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Y/n watched with her mouth open at what was on the table in front of her, while Sasha held her head in her hands in shock.

''This may be a special night, but . . . let's not let the public find out! Behave like soldiers without causing a ruckus!''

Connie, along with the majority of the mess hall, stared at their tables in surprise, too. ''Eh? Meat? What? Is this . . . meat?''

There was a fresh piece of meat, cut into multiple pieces and cooked deliciously — at least, it looked delicious. Y/n's mouth was watering.

''Am I dreaming?'' Sasha asked.

Y/n licked her lips. ''If we are, I hope we never wake up.''

Tonight's the night before we retake Wall Maria! Cheers!''

The room, accordingly, erupted in cheers and then in fights. Y/n blinked once and the whole piece of meat was suddenly in Sasha's mouth.

''HEY! YOU HAVE TO SHARE!'' Y/n leaned over the table to try and pry it away. Connie caught her in a dead lock.

''DON'T YOU START PULLING THAT SHIT, POTATO GIRL!'' Jean yelled as he, too, stood up from his place, ready to assist Y/n. ''WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!''

''Cut it out, Sasha!'' Connie pleaded as he still held her around the neck, his eyes watering. ''I . . . I don't wanna have to kill you!''

Y/n pulled the meat back, holding up in victory and away from Sasha. ''Got it!''

''You can't eat the whole thing alone!'' Jean scolded her and at the same time, Sasha reached out and tried to bite the meat in Y/n's hand. She missed, her teeth grazing Y/n's hand instead.

Y/n screamed as she jumped back, almost stumbling back and tripping on the bench. ''YOU CAN'T EAT MY HAND, SASHA!'' Y/n said, still holding the meat away while Sasha tried to free herself from Connie and bite into it again. It seemed as if she was in some sort of a trance.

Marlowe, who had been sitting next to them and having already dug into the meat, looked at Sasha. ''Do the scouts never get any meat?''

Sasha's fist changed its course from Connie to Marlowe's face, hitting his nose so hard blood started gushing out. Y/n scoffed. Deserved.

''Connie, would you knock Sasha out already?'' Mikasa asked calmly as Sasha punched her, too. Mikasa didn't flinch.

''I'm trying!'' Connie said, still holding tightly onto her. ''She should be unconscious, but she's still moving!"

Eren stood up to help Connie and the two finally got Sasha against a pillar, tying her by a rope and securing her mouth with a cloth. She was unconscious from what Y/n could see, though the moment Connie and Eren walked away, her eyes shot open. Everyone ignored her.

Y/n focused back on the conversation on the table, enjoying her meat. ''Don't you see? You're the rear guard 'cuz you've got no experience.''

''I understand that I may be weak, but . . .'' Marlowe leaned on his arm, his brows furrowed. ''Isn't the vanguard the best place to learn how the enemy moves?''

''What's this? Trying to act all tough talking about self-sacrifice?'' Jean cocked an eyebrow.

''But if we're all not of that mentality, how will we be effective as a unit?'' Marlowe asked.

Y/n gulped down her delicious meat, a sarcastic smile on her face. ''Listen, why don't we put you in the vanguard and see how long you last to learn before a Titan decides to snack on you?''

Marlowe looked at her with wide eyes. Jean sighed. ''Listen here. Everyone starts off as a recruit. If we throw recruits into battle like cannon fodder, they'll all be too dead to learn. Which is why it's your job to sit in the back and study so you can come home in one piece.'' Marlowe looked uncomfortable after the lecture. Jean, on the other hand, wasn't bothered at all as he turned to look at Eren. ''But the most useless of all is the suicidal maniac who only knows how to charge in. Right?''

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 18 ⏰

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