(3) "Bittersweet Disposition"

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"Never let go of anyone who made all the effort of just being with you when you want nothing but shut the whole world out"


 Brad was awaken by the smell of freshly cooked pancakes and coffee, he opened his eyes and found them at the bottom of the bed. He looked around and quickly recognized Tristan's room, but why was he here?. He got up the same time that his best friend came into his view.

 "Thank God you're awake" Tris immediately said as he sat beside the bed.

 "How did I get here? Shit man we're late!"

 "Take it easy, it's Faculty Day remember? No Classes"

 Brad took a deep breath and sat down once again, while Tristan just sighed and placed his hand on the shorter boy's shoulder. "What happened?" Tris asked and Brad quickly spaced out. "It's alright if you don't want to. You know where my bathroom is, get yourself cleaned up first and I'll tell what happened last night" he then just said and got out of the room.

 As soon as Brad was left alone, he just covered his face with his hands. This whole getting wasted thing can't go on forever, and he knows that more than anyone else. He can't bother Tris every single time he has a problem, he just can't.


 Victoria was walking home alone last night when she caught a glimpse of Brad at a local pub. She wanted to go in and ask him what problem is he drinking away but she knew he won't answer. it's not that he's being rude or anything, he just doesn't want to include other people in his mess.

 The thing is, she has known him for years and yet she's always been in the friend zone. Brad treats her as his little sister where in fact she wanted it to be more than that.

 But Victoria knows contentment, as long as he's happy then she's happy. She even prayed for him before she went to sleep, that's how sincere she is. That's how she wanted all the good in the world for him.

 That's how she loved him, silent but sincere.


Tristan can't keep still, he's worried sick about his friend and so quickly went back to his room only to find out Brad walking out of the shower room with nothing but Tristan's towel draped over the lower part of his body.

 "And so you took a quick shower , and then there's coffee mug in the shower room . . . and that is my towel. Wow" That's all Tris can say, he's got a touch of OCD that's why he just had to comment on it. "I'm sorry, I don't have anything with me. What happened last night huh?" Brad then asked.

 "You went here late and you cried"


 "Yes" Tristan said and just sighed. He swore he's not gonna include the kissing part since he knew it was something Brad would not believe at all.

 "And also you also vomited but since it's clear that you can't walk back home I  told you to sleep here and then called your parents"

 "What? Tristan are you crazy? Man oh my God!"

 "Calm down will ya? I told them we're doing a project"

 "And they believed you?"


 "Wow. Man I'm sorry"

 "That's okay Brad"

 "Where's your parents? I should apologize to them too"

 "Have you forgotten? They won't be here for a week"

 Tris looked at the exasperated look on his best friend's face, if he could help him at any cost he would.

 "Can I stay here for the rest of the day?" Brad asked as he removed the towel and stood naked in front of Tristan, this is normal thing for them. They have seen each others body for tons of times now over the past years.

 "You still haven't told me why you went here last night"

 "My parents .."

 "They're fighting again?" Tris asked, Brad nodded and let his head go down.

 "I'm so sorry to hear that"


 It's past 10 in the evening when Brad got back to his house, only to find both of his parents waiting for him in the living room.

 "So you still know your house huh?"

 "So you two are done fighting huh?" Brad asked back, his father quickly got up and raised his voice. "You have no right to talk back to us!" he said. His Mum came ot his rescue as she prevented his Dad from making it worse. "Come on stop it" she uttered.

 Brad just turned his head from side to side and quickly went to his room.

 "I just got back. This is still hell, wanna go out?" that's the message he sent to Tris.

 "Can't, sorry bro. Tricia's here" Tris replied

 Brad just sighed and buried himself in the sheets. "

 "Ah, Graduation. Why won't you come already?"


that's it for this chapter guys, what do you think ? Do you seriously ship Tradley already? How about Brictoria? x

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