(17) "Baby Daddy"

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Song for this chapter

Spaces - One Direction


 It's Wednesday which means it's Track day. Tris is on the field to practice for an Athletic meet a few weeks from now. "Did you two talked?" Brett asked.

 "I kinda don't wanna talk about it" he replied and looked at the stands. He can see Tricia and the rest of his friends, all of them except Brad. The signal went off and everyone started running, all of them except Tristan who still has his eyes glued to the stands.

 "Go!" the coach yelled almost on his ears. He snapped back to reality and started running as fast as he could. Tons of different thoughts are racing in his mind while he himself is also in the field racing with the others. "You're tripping out Tristan, he wanted things to be like this" he whispered to himself as he keeps on running.

 But somewhere deep inside, he knows that if Brad shows up he will forgive him. It will be alright that he doesn't care or won't agree to what Tris feels, what matters is the friendship they have will not be completely shattered.

 He's halfway there but still there's no sign of him. "He's not gonna come Tristan" he told to himself and just focused on the race. But he's too late, three other students made it to the finish line before he was able to.

 "I'm gonna have a word with you after this" the coach said to Tris as he went to sit on the bench.

 "What happened? Don't let him ruin you" Brett said as the two of them sat together. The past few days were a drastic change. Tris barely spends time with his own group anymore and instead hangs out with either Tricia or Brett. Victoria assured everyone that he's only going through something and things will be back to normal pretty soon.

 The thing is, Tristan doesn't know if it will really be back to normal.

 "I'm not letting him ruin me Brett. I'm just scared that my nightmares are now real. I lost him"

 "Look, if he's your real friend you won't lose him"

 "But I think if I was in his position instead, Id' want to lose me too"

 "Come on, don't think of it that way"

 "I'm sorry" Tris said and just smiled at Brett. The blonde haired lad then stood up and approached Victoria and the others. The group of friends who worries about him a lot.


 Brad is not doing any good either. He spent the past few days trying to act normal when the truth is everything else seems to have just fallen apart. His questions about his own sexuality now have answers, but the thing is ... he's scared to accept them.

  Who would have thought that Bradley Simpson, a 17 year old student known for sleeping with a lot of women will end up falling for his guy best friend. "Karma's a bitch. It really just hit me this time" he thought to himself after realizing that Tris is indeed right.  

 He wants to make up with Tris and tell him that they should forget about everything that happened and just get on with their normal lives, but he doesn't know how. This would be the longest time that the two lost their communication with  each other.

 A few years ago, Tristan's family went to a vacation in Alaska for almost a month. But even that didn't stop them from communicating each other. Now the two of them are just here in this small town and yet they still managed not to talk to each other, or even see each other.

 He looked at the calendar and saw that it's almost two weeks since that night of their fight. He misses him, he misses his brother so much.

 "You should call him" he turned around and saw Brendon standing by the door. "Who?" Brad asked, quite shocked that he seems to know what's going on.

 "Tristan. You two haven't talked to each other for quite some now. You're getting sad"

 "He hates me"

 "No. Whatever happened if he's your friend he's gonna be your friend. And besides, the two of you are friends even before I was born"

 "You're 8 not 2" the curly haired boy replied. But then remembered that what his brother said is true. Tris and Brad have known each other since they were 6. They've been practically best friends for 11 years.

 "How in the world did you get that much common sense?" I asked Brendon and he just smiled.

 "You're welcome. I'm expecting my chocolates by the end of tomorrow" he answered and just walked away. Although he made some fair point, Brad still doesn't know how to approach Tristan.

 Because of what happened, there's now a huge space between them. And he doesn't know how to reach his best friend anymore.


 That same night, Tris stopped by in front of Brad's house ... opting to talk to him. He parked a few feet from across the street, he scared to knock on his door. He might still be mad, or he might not be at home at all.

 "What are you even doing here? He makes things looks easy, you should do the same" he told himself. A few minutes after, the door opened and his Dad came out along with his Mum and brother. Brad also came into his view. He just kissed his Mum on the cheeks and bid them goodbye. The happy look on his face clearly tells that he's not having any problems, that's what Tris thought. Brad then came back inside.

 "You miss him right, why don't you talk to him?"

 "Oh. He'll just be mad at you"

 "Tristan, you're becoming really gay these days"

 Those are some of the thoughts that are racing his mind. They were too strong that all in all, he decided to just drive away.

 "I miss you brother" he whispered as he drove past his house. Not seeing a distraught Alexis approaching the doorstep just a few moments after.


 Brad's quite happy that they all left, he's to upset to function but he can't let them see it. He misses his friend so much, the thought of not being able to bring everything back to normal rattles him to his very core. That one single moment of weakness have ended what they built for more than a decade.

 Suddenly, someone started knocking on the door. He opened it and saw Alexis on the other side. Sh quickly hugged him and started crying. "What happened?" he asked and led her to the couch.

 "I have tried so many times but they all have the same result"

 "What do you mean?" Brad asked.

 "This" she said and brought out a pregnancy test. The result is positive.

 "I'm sorry Brad .. you're gonna be a dad"

 Brad just sat there speechless, his whole world is turned upside down.


That's it for this part guys !! :)) x what do you think? please vote and comment :D

How are you liking things so far?

Who do you hate the most right now?

Stay tuned x :)

Note: Writing this chapter is not easy because it mirrors some of the things that have happened to me (and are currently happening) in real life. I just thought that by including these scenarios that I went through it would teach you guys some important lessons and show that this book is not only a story between two best friends who fell in love with each other, the whole story is bigger than that. If you're going through it (I have drifted apart from someone that I have gotten close with, like really close with and it sucks.) or have gone through the same thing please know that you are strong. That's all x

Irrevocable || Tradley AU ( Brad Simpson x Tristan Evans Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now