(12) "Girls"

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 Brad and Tristan then spent the next few days pretending like nothing ever happened. They still hang out with the same group of people, go to the same places and act the same, it seems like that kiss is nothing but a distant dream.

 "What's your gift for Tristan tomorrow?" Victoria asked Brad while the two are left in the gym cleaning up the stuffs they used for their P.E. Class.

 "Myself" he joked and saw Victoria giggle.

 "That's sweet but really was it?" she asked again. Brad got into thinking and realized that he spent a lot of days doing nothing, and up to this day he still doesn't have an idea on what to give his best friend.

 "I don't know , what are you gonna give him?"

 "A guitar. You should think of a gift now, you know you can't give him a girl this time. Tricia will kill you"

 "I know" Brad replied and then saw Alexis as she walked inside the gym. "What's taking the two of you so long?" she asked impatiently.

 "If you would help us we'll be faster" Victoria replied sarcastically, Brad smiled and they both exchanged looks. It's no secret that Victoria doesn't like Alexis, and if she could leave her on an island alone and stranded she probably will.

  Alexis just rolled her eyes and started picking up some of the dodge balls they used. "What a way to put her in place" he whispered to Victoria who smiled quickly.

 "I heard that" Alexis then said, annoyed.

 "Sorry babe" Brad answered with a clear smile on his face. Deep inside, Brad couldn't care less about what's going on with the two girls that are with him. All he can think about is what gift he should buy for Tristan.


 One of Tristan's wishes for his birthday is to have the house all to himself so he could throw a party. Being the kind son that he is, the rest of the family agreed and will go for a 2 day vacation.

 It's past 6:00 pm when he and Tricia got home.

 "What are you gonna do for tomorrow?" Tricia asked as she placed her bag on the couch. "Throw a sick party of course" Tris replied happily. He then went to the kitchen and emerged 10 minutes after, carrying some juice and biscuits.

 "What are you gonna do with me?" Tricia asked , and then almost pushed Tristan to the couch. "I still don't know" he replied.

 She then got on top of him and started kissing his neck. Tristan closed his eyes but all he can think about is that night he and Brad kissed. Partly ashamed and disgusted by it, he told Tricia to stop.

 "What? Why? We haven't done this in weeks?"

 "I'm not in the mood"

 Tricia then got up and started gathering her stuffs. "Where are you going?" Tris asked his girlfriend. "Home, call me when you finally get your sanity back" she replied.

 "Are you kidding me? Don't go"

 "Bye" she said and headed towards the door. Tris followed her and held her arm. "Let me go Tristan" Tricia told him. He looked in her eyes and saw how pissed she is,a nd with that he just let her go. As soon as she's gone, he started pouncing on himself.

 "What's wrong with you Tristan?" he asked repeatedly.


 Brad decided to go to Tristan's house and talk to him, just to get a sense of what gift he should give his best friend. he took a deep breath before knocking on his door.

 "Oh hey man come in" Tris said and so he did. Brad looked around and saw Tricia's bracelet on the couch. She may have forgotten it.

 "Tricia's here?" he asked.

 "Was .. she left right away. Why are you here man?"

 "I just wanna talk Tris"

"If it's about the kiss I told you it's alright"

 "Not that Tris"

 "Oh okay" Tris replied as his cheeks started blushing. He then sat beside his best friend and started eating the biscuits he set out earlier.

 "What's your plan for tomorrow?"

 "Party of course .. unless you have something else in plan"

 "No" Brad said and just smiled. He still couldn't think of a gift. He could ask a really hot girl to spend the night with Tristan but that would be impossible since Tricia would probably wrap herself around him all through the night.

 "Don't give me a girl" Tris warned and the two just laughed. 

 "I'm not gonna give you a girl okay? , what do you want?"

 "Surprise me Brad"

 "Fine, I might"

 "Umm, Tris?"


 "I was thinking ... you know since it's your 18th birthday and probably our last birthday here in this town because  there's the graduation. Maybe we could spend an hour or two together?"

 "You're too gay" Tris said and started laughing.

 "Fine" Brad said and just looked away, he's even surprised of his own actions. Why would he even ask Tristan to be with him? that's one of the many questions clouding his mind.

 "I'm just kidding. Fine, I'd love to spend a few hours with you"


 "Yes. I mean it's my last birthday here, might as well as spend it with my best friend"

 "That's great"

 "You just have to bribe me with a gift"

 "But I don't know what to give to you"

 "Man if you really know me, you'll be able to think of a gift"

 "Okay. I'll think of a gift" Brad replied and then looked at his watch. He suddenly remembered that he has to go home already because some of his relatives will be coming for dinner. 

 "I'm gonna go"

 "What? Already?"

 "Family dinner, sorry see you tomorrow" Brad said and almost literally ran out of his house. Leaving a visibly bored Tristan behind.


that's it for this chapter guys :D what do you think? Please vote and comment :D xxx stay tuned for the next chapter :)) it's the mid-book finale and Tradley will finally happen x !



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