(14) "Hickeys"

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 Tristan woke up the next morning with a case of dizziness and massive headache. He looked around and saw how his entire room is basically a mess. He stood up to get his slippers and then got out , only to realize that he's only wearing his boxers and it's cold. He went back inside his bedroom and saw a naked sleeping Tricia on the bed.

 Then slowly, little by little, the memories of what happened last night started coming back. Tris would just like to say that he "Under-performed" when it came to Tricia. He was tired the whole day and so he came a little quicker than her. The two slept at around 1:00 am while the party just went on till everyone fell asleep or have gone home.

 He quickly got dressed and looked at the clock, it's 8:00 am. "Shit" that's all he was able to say after realizing that his family will be back in just 4 hours. How is he gonna clean this house that fast? and with a massive hangover?.

 Tristan opened the door and got out once again, right in front of him is the view of how messed up the whole place is. The warm ray of sunlight hurts his eyes that's why he had to put on shades. The pullover and shorts he's wearing is no match compared to the coldness inside the house. Someone turned on the air conditioner and closed all the windows and doors.

 The blonde haired lad quickly went to where the air conditioner is and turned it off right away, avoiding a couple of sleeping bodies on the floor and chairs.

 "This will be a long day" Tris uttered while looking at more than a dozen person still sleeping in the living room.  All he could think of right now is he has to clear this place. He has to clean up or else he'll face the wrath of his parents,

 One by one, he started waking up his friends. He started with Connor who fell sleep on the kitchen table with his shirt up to his chest and a dash of salt right on top of his belly button. From the looks of it, a body shot is supposed to happen. But for some reason, they all fell asleep before actually doing it.

 "Man wake up" he said while nudging Connor and trying his bets not to laugh. He would have taken a picture of him but he left it in his room.

 "What? Hitler's alive? Really? Okay" Connor uttered and fell asleep once again. Tris burst into laughter, "Oh God you are one drunk lad" he said and woke him up once again. "My parents are gonna come. Wake up" he told his friend.

 After a few more nudges, Connor sat up and fixed his shirt. "Wow it's cold" he uttered. "That's why you should help me open all the windows and doors" Tris replied and then started opening the kitchen windows, letting the warm sunshine in.

 "Ugh my head hurts"

 "Mine too. I have pain killers in my cabinet , I'll get them later but for now please help me get rid of the coldness in here"

 It took them a couple of minutes to open the windows and doors, Now all they have to do is wait for the others to wake up now that the sunshine is hitting them straight in the face.

 "Could you make coffee?" he asked Connor.

 "Yes. Why, you want one?"

 "Please. You have to help me with the kitchen mess, I'll wake them up half an hour from now"

 "Okay. But can I have the pain killers first? My head is killing me"

 "Alright" Tris said and then almost ran towards the stairs before Connor called him out once again. "What?" he asked.

 "Remove your shades"

 "Why? The sun hurts"

 "There's two hickeys on your neck"

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